Just got the logo back for Newburyport.com from Mike and I dig it. I should have a new site launched by the end of next week, as the articles are being written right now. I wanted to share the new design with you guys. It maintains the look and feel of my other city .com domain names.
BTW… speaking of geodomains, check out Lahaina.com when you get a chance. That’s a great looking site!
That looks really good. Good job.
very nice + professional – although i am not sure about the black birds – ominous-looking – are they circling roadkill?
I like it.
The only part that seems a bit strange is the N in Newburyport. It seems backwards, or trying to be lower case, and large.
Elliot it looks great, I spent 2 summers in Newburyport and loved it. I even made it on the cover of the town paper for Yankee Homecoming (the big town festival in the summer). Can’t wait to see the site.
did Mike make Lahaina?
Not to my knowledge
Logo looks very nice, do you know what Font it is ?
Lahaina.com looks great too, number two in Google aswell – geo domains have soooo much potential.
Very nice logo, Elliot. I have always loved your geo logos. Mike did a great job.
The font used in this logo is Quigley.
Thanks Mike, I’ll need to get that one !
Appreciate it.
Thanks for the shout out. We’re very happy with the new design of Lahaina.com. The feedback we’ve received so far has been fantastic and the following has been growing rapidly since the new launch.
We have a boatload of new content going up over the next month. We’re also working hard to incorporate a lot of social media tools. Check us out on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.
Anyone have any more feedback on the new look of the site?
“Anyone have any more feedback on the new look of the site?”
I really like the look and feel of the site, looks far better than many official tourism board websites out there (and I’v seen ALOT of them) 🙂
For SEO reasons I would put a decent & relevant page title on all of the pages, especially the home page. At the moment it just says – Lahaina
Something starting with the domain name Like:
Lahaina.com – Lahaina Hotels, Maui, Hawaii
Lahaina.com – Lahaina Real Estate Maui
etc etc
At the moment you’re on page two in Google for the keywords Lahaina Hawaii and a simple little thing like that would probably put you on page one in a month or two IMO
Also Google likes sitemaps and it can sometimes make a nice difference in how they list your website in the search results.
Good luck, great job !
PS- Who did the web design ?
@Gazzip Thank you for the help. That’s exactly the type of ideas and advice we’re looking for. We’ll get working on that…
The development was done by a company called Bump Networks out of Hawaii. They did the main design although we helped a lot with fine tuning it. They are very good at design in my opinion. The development took a bit longer than anticipated, although I know that should be expected with any development, especially by a company running on island time.
Thanks Conor
Here’s another thing that I think is really nice on a GEO domains but I have’nt seen that many people do it.
Mark all the Laihaina Hotels on a custom Google map and link them straight to the booking affiliate engine. You could even ad a page with all the hotels on Mauii or even the other Hawaiian islands and do the same.
Nice Example of this is on Madrid.com
just click on the hotel icons and then the more info link
good luck with it