New to Domain Investing in 2009

I think a whole lot has changed in the domain investment industry since I started a few years ago. I would love to hear from domain investors who recently started out in the industry about how things have been going for them. If you are new to the business, I would love to hear about some of these things:

1) How did you get started?
2) What types of domain names are you buying?
3) Where are you buying and selling most of your domain names?
4) Are you buying in the aftermarket or new registrations?
5) What are your domaining goals?

Thanks for taking the time to respond – and of course for reading my blog.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Hi Elliot,

    I got started after reading Masters Of Their Domains and Kevin Ham in a Business Magazine.

    Lately I have been trying to purchase more generic domains such as,,, and

    Most of my domains are registered at Godaddy and Before I realized the value of domain names my first sale was for $200 and had an offer of $750 for which did not go through.

    I hand register most and aquire others through domain aquisitions and DN aftermarket.

    My domaining goals is to join the ranks of those who are able to make a decent monthly income from domain development and sales.

  2. Not new but still starting;

    Answers by number:

    1) Had freebie long time ago, experimenting, trying to do something .com was available but i was indecisive.
    Result; Got taken.
    Lesson: If you want something you better get it.
    Got .net
    That got things started.
    2) Something I can afford with a future (without charging credit card)
    3) I don’t buy to sell but sold a couple.
    I buy wherever I find them.
    4) Both
    5) Raise funds, partner, synergize, develop.

  3. Hi Elliot..I started in my free time from work just getting some names in 2004 for registration as I knew these names were worth more. Made some vacation money in my free time but started full-time in 2008.

    I think it makes sense like you are doing to focus on names that you are good in monetizing..i.e. you are seasoned in geo development so there is a synergy to acquire more geo assets. I am buying names related to my areas of specialization.

    I have had better success either buying drops or from big portfolio companies. At least from my experience, individual owners seem too emotional about their names and want 25-50k for $500 names. What has your experience been here?



  4. Hi Elliot,

    1)How did you get started? Early 2008 after a google search I got in contact with Ed Keay-Smith from wanting to advertise on one of his websites. While on skype chatting to him, he told me about his blog and the money in domains and he open the doors for me to this big industry. Come across other blogs like yours from his links, and have never looked back. Have been travelling for the past 13 months around Asia and New Zealand. So plenty of time to read blogs and learn, learn, learn.

    2) What types of domain names are you buying?
    Mostly as I am from New Zealand and think it will be easier for me to monetise the sites by finding physical businesses to advertise, businesses that people are looking for when they reach my sites. New Zealand is small so big fan of .com, like everyone 

    3) Where are you buying and selling most of your domain names?
    Goal for 2009 is to sell a domain name! I enjoy building minisites on them, like,, and working out the ROI etc.

    4) Are you buying in the aftermarket or new registrations? New registrations but keeping an interest in aftermarket names.

    5) What are your domaining goals? To buy great generic domain names with high exact search results with google adwords and developed them in profitable minisites with google adsense and affilates links to monetize them. Then to be able to keep travelling, and let the money trickle in.

  5. Elliot, it is very obvious that your respondents need a more domain consulting to help them SAVE money by not buying or renewing bad domains, and learning to focus on how to buy domains that give them a return on their ROI.

    For the above respondents, you have a good understanding of where you want to go, but you need some consulting advice on an individual basis if you want to rush ahead of the pack. Elliot can provide this advice, as he is considered an expert in this industry.

    I don’t know if he provides personal consultation, but if I was you, I’d spend at least $1000 over a few months time to get his advice…I know Elliot’s ideas have helped me numerous times in looking at how to proceed in domain investing.

    It would be sad to see beginning smart domainers like the ones who’ve answered here NOT get continued private consultation from you, Elliot. Do you do that? If you don’t, you should.


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