Namecheap Sponsoring Water Night During TRAFFIC Conference

Just as the company did at WebFest, Namecheap is once again sponsoring a Water Night party to benefit The Water School during the TRAFFIC conference in Las Vegas. WaterNight will be held at  PBR Rock Bar on  Wednesday May 29th, 2013, and the ticket cost is a donation of $50. The price will increase as it gets closer to the event.

The open bar is paid for by Namecheap, allowing all funds raised to  be donated to The Water School.  DJ Crykit, a popular Las Vegas DJ, will be playing the event. There will be  Bull Riding, Giant Jenga, and lots of networking.

If you aren’t familiar with The Water School, it’s a non-profit organization with a “mission  to  provide simple,  safe,  strategic and sustainable clean water  solutions to the developing world.” A number of people in the domain industry are either on the board of directors of the organization, or they’ve helped raise funds for it in various ways.

Although the event is being held during the TRAFFIC conference, I understand that you don’t need to have a conference ticket to attend this event (Rick Schwartz clarified this below). The Water Night party at WebFest was widely attended, and I have no doubt that this party will be well-attended as well.

The party begins at 9pm, and PBR Rock Bar is located at 3663 S Las Vegas Blvd, which is the Planet Hollywood Hotel. Tickets can be purchased online using Eventbrite, and they may be available to purchase at the door if the event isn’t sold out before.

Check out the WaterNight Facebook page to read more details and to see who is attending.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Any domainer or sponsor attending that does not live in Las Vegas, MUST have a TRAFFIC badge! PERIOD!!!

    So if you want to avoid the WRATH OF RICK, I would advise those to buy tickets and go thru the front door or to ME you are in the same league as RDNH and I will treat you as such.


    • What happens when we show up to the private Water Party but aren’t bothering to attend traffic…I don’t understand?

  2. Borat is having A GOAT NIGHT at TRAFFFYC in LA VEgas
    If you do the badj of TRAFFFIC then t goat chaumber you have to admitted . Rick and Howard yes ? 2 goat for every domainer yes ??!!! OK !!! PARTIE TIME !! No PIGON SHIT !!!

  3. @Rick – I am just messaging you privately (Facebook) right now to apologize for an obvious misunderstanding about who is and who is is not allowed to attend. Just to clarify, the event is an open one as it is for charity and limiting it would take away funds from the WaterSchool charity. But wanted to post here so that others can see we are sorting it out.

  4. @Richard
    “it would take away funds from the WaterSchool charity.”

    I am SURE TRAFFIC will make up for those funds for ATTENDEES of TRAFFIC. So we will pay for your charity, BUT PLEASE, DO NOT have your charity take away $$$ from TRAFFIC.

    The ONLY reason the charty is there ar that TIME is because of TRAFFIC. PERIOD!

    Domainers and sponsors that come to Las Vegas and do it the WRONG WAY will have to endure whatever happens.

    Fucking us is not part of the program.


  5. The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history.

    Bertrand Russell


    Rick I’m afraid that you don’t fall into the great men of history category of megalomania.

  6. I dont see anything wrong with this by Rick.

    Rick has a warm heart and good for the domain industry. How much has traffic conference done well and donations over the years?

    I agree with Rick on this one! Not cool water school. Good idea and donations, but bad route to take.

  7. I understand how Rick can be bothered by people hanging around a Traffic show without paying. Specifically I recall some people hanging around the lobby where past Traffic shows have been without paying to attend. That’s not good. The same city but not at the conference hotel. That’s more respectful.

    Howver, I’m still missing how this takes away from Traffic since it is scheduled on the Open Party Night that is already specified on the Conference schedule. I didn’t realize non-conference parties can’t have non-traffic attendees. If people are coming to Vegas to hang around during the conference, this one event isn’t going to change that, since they’d just go to another party on the open party night. But people will come to WaterNight and then decide to register for Traffic. I absolutely encourage everyone to attend Traffic, and obviously I lead by example. I’ve been booked for months.

    As we did in Santa Monica, can I ask for your support by buying a ticket even if you aren’t going to be in Vegas? In Santa Monica, 25% of ticket sales were to people who had no intention of being there, but wanted to show their support. Share the love:

  8. Richard,
    Thanks for the comment.

    I sent you a detailed response on Facebook just before reading your comment here to clarify our position.

    The issue is WELL KNOWN domainers and WELL KNOWN sponsors benefiting from TRAFFIC without paying a dime while hundreds of attendees and sposnors did.

    Your main sponsor is not even registered at TRAFFIC and as I can tell never hosted any TRAFFIC event.

    My responsibility is to point out which domainers and sponsors have BENT ethics and identify them as being “Cheap” at best to all attendees so they know these folks may be ethically challenged and less than trustworthy and they can choose to ignore what I say or choose to think they are low life scum that are stealing our hard work.

    In a small industry founded on a handshake, 75% will think this is unacceptable.

    So the problem would be easily solved by making a TRAFFIC badge a requirement to those type folks I described above.


  9. These are separate events at separate locations? Happens a lot in other industries. I guess TRAFFIC can argue that domainers are going to be in Vegas that week because of them. But at end of the day it’s an individual’s choice as to where and how they want to spend their money.

  10. This happens all the time in business. The effort of one entity will gather people together and other entities want to benefit off that centralized mass of people. I’d say this happens 365 days of the year in some way/shape/form.

  11. I heard lots of hookers will be in Vegas too because of Traffic.
    Many “frustrated” ego rich domainers waiting to be satisfied.

    All work and no play makes a domainer dull and piss off.

  12. I’ve posted more on Rick’s blog directly, but just so it’s here… The sponsor has been to Africa to see WaterSchool’s work first hand and is really supportive of WaterSchool. They aren’t going after the domainer market so it wasn’t a good fit. As Rick said, you’ve never seen them host any Traffic event, and they barely attend non-ICANN conferences afaik. They’re after the retail market so it was a stretch for me to ask them to sponsor this one. Having said that, they generously said yes, because at the end of the day it’s about the kids, not about a small banner at a party.

    Rick and I are talking about the badge requirement offline.


  13. Can we not get Vegas shut down for the whole of Traffic, I mean the Domain King needs respect and while we are at it get his face up on Mt Rushmore.

    I hope all the eateries & businesses around Vegas realise that if any Trafficker enters their establishment that they should not accept their money as they are trading off the good name of Traffic and the King. The King has put his money and reputation on the line. Obey you heathen subjects or be cast as an inferior person on the wannabe king blog forever.

    Let’s hope the water school has contacted the poor in Africa to get them to reflect and remember the King on Traffic day. They are nought without the Domain King, in fact Africa would not exist if it were not for the Domain King. Hail the Domain King.


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