Details About NameBio Sale

NameBio is the most comprehensive source of historical domain name sales data. The website was founded in 2006, and the website and database was acquired by Adam Strong in 2010. In 2015, Michael Sumner came on board as a partner, and many new features were launched. In 2019, NameBio began offering a more robust search experience for paying customers.

I recently learned that NameBio changed hands. Adam has retained a minority stake in the business and will remain an advisor with the company. Michael Sumner and Anuj Bahl will continue to operate NameBio, and they have brought on Kevin Ohashi. Financial details about the deal are not being shared.

Adam shared the reason behind the sale. “We see it as an excellent opportunity to grow the company with a new influx of capital, assets and talent that we didn’t have access to before,” he told me. Adam also commented on the future operations of NameBio. “Anuj has some great ideas on where to take NameBio moving forward,” he said. “Combining Michael and Kevan in the back-office will really springboard what Mike and I started. I can’t go into details, but I’m looking forward to working as an angel advisor with them as they grow to the next level.

Anuj mentioned the reputation and audience of NameBio as two of the most important reasons he decided to acquire the business. NameBio’s data and technology are also assets that have been important to its utility and will play a key role in the growth of the company. Anuj told me that NameBio intends to leverage its comparable sales engine and combine it with unreleased AI technology in order to enhance functionality for users.

Most important, Anuj shared, is the team that will be working on NameBio going forward. In addition to working with Michael Sumner, NameBio will be bringing Kevin Ohashi on board. Here’s what Anuj shared with me about the team that will be operating NameBio:

“This is the most exciting part for me personally as I get to work and collaborate with some of the smartest and most successful minds in the industry. As many of you know Michael Sumner is the most versed and knowledgeable developer in the industry. He will be leading all development plans we have for NameBio. In addition, the brilliant Kevin Ohashi will be joining the team and working alongside Michael to further enhance NameBio’s development. Last but not least, veteran and uber-successful domain investor and businessman, Adam Strong, will stay on as an advisor. All three of these team members will have an equity interest in NameBio going forward. We will be looking to expand our team in the future as well.”

Michael Sumner has been responsible for the operations of NameBio, and he has been working with Anuj on other projects for quite some time. Michael shared some thoughts on the changes at the company:

“Anuj was one of NameBio’s earliest benefactors. Many of the features that have been added to the site in the past half-decade were made possible by his financial support, so it is fitting that he is now taking over the reins. I’ve been consulting for Anuj for several years, and I’m thrilled to now be a full-time member of his team. Anuj has an exciting vision for what NameBio can become and I look forward to building it with him, Kevin, and Adam.”

As a NameBio customer, I am also excited to see what the company has planned in the future. I use NameBio multiple times a day for many purposes, and enhancements to its offerings should be beneficial to my business.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Why would namebio sell to a person and company that was still bidding at namejet before domain Shane reported this, no ethics out there

  2. Congratulations! This is positive news for the domain community. When it comes to answering questions from new and experienced domain investors, Anuj is always helpful and very generous with his time.

  3. Congratulations Anuj! yes Stephanie Absolutely great and positive news for community, he’s super intelligent, super supportive, and great human being, and i think he’s going to uplift this industry to the new level and it’s definitely gonna be helpful to the community and whole industry. i’m looking forward to see some great progress across industry.

  4. Congratulations! This will bring a lot of added value to the community, developing the business with new features and leveraging it to a next level this is what other industries do, Domaining needs the same, new investors, new ideas and new people.

  5. Congratulations Anuj. I am thrilled about this news and really look forward to what you and your fanfuckintastic team builds on this great foundation.

  6. Congratulations Anuj, Michael, Adam and Kevin for making Namebio a bigger powerhouse for everyone. With this dream team, I am excited to see all of the incredible things to come soon. Thanks for all the hard work you do and for having a necessary tool for our industry to benefit from. Wishing your team all the best to come. Go Team Namebio!

  7. Congrats to the whole NameBio team. As someone that has been domaining since the early 2000’s, I’ve used quite a bit of industry tools through the years. NameBio provides a vital service for both new and veteran domain name investors and I look forward to what Anuj, Michael, Adam and Kevin will do to make it even better. I’ve spoken with Anuj several times on Clubhouse and have found him to be very generous with his time and helpful to anyone wanting to learn about the business and, more importantly, how to become a successful domain name investor.

  8. Congratz to Adam , Michael & Anuj. i am hoping to have more features in namebio in near future .Anuj is well experienced entrepreneur in the domain industry. He has a vision for things to come and has been successful at building great domain portfolio. I have found Anuj to be honest in his dealings . Goodluck to you 🙂

  9. Congrats to Anuj and the whole NameBio team. As someone that has used NameBio for the last 7 years, it is one of the most important tools out there for domain investors. I look forward to seeing Anuj’s leadership with the team bring new features to a already amazing tool. I have gotten to know Anuj as a colleague and friend. He is a great Domain Investor and very passionate about the industry as a whole, and is always looking to make things better for the entire investing community. I feel with his vast experience and knowledge in domain investing, professionalism, and work ethics makes him the perfect fit to be a leader for NameBio. I wish Anuj, Michael, Adam, and Kevin best of luck moving forward!


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