Google recently announced there would be an update that would impact websites that aren’t mobile friendly. I haven’t had much trouble navigating from my iPhone, but it was not perfectly optimized for mobile. recently went through an update / upgrade, and it is now much more mobile friendly. As of this afternoon, is now mobile friendly according to Google.
As with anytime a major update is made to a live website, there is the potential for issues to arise. I would ask that you share any feedback about the mobile experience. I use an iPhone, so I have not personally done testing with other devices.
If you notice anything funky with respect to the way the website looks on your mobile device, could you please let me know? The issues should be related to usability and functionality.
Looks good on my Apple 512K and Apple 2 E computers and also on my flip phone.
DI looks great now on mobile. Nice to see that it’s a responsive layout now!
Works great on my Motorola too!
It is not coming up on my rotary phone but I have a hard time seeing anything on it. My eyes may be going as I get older.
I just did similar updates to my wife’s business site a couple months ago and I know it can be a little stressful so I am glad things are looking good on the site for you ahead of google’s deadline.
Tried it on Android and it’s great.
Looks good on my phone.