Kickstarter is a cool website where filmmakers, inventors, musicians, designers, and other artists can post a project to seek funding. If the requested amount of funding is raised, the project moves forward with people who pledge funds at varying levels able to receive something in return.
I saw that domain investor Mike “Zappy” Zapolin has posted a documentary film project with Deepak Chopra. The pair are looking to fund a project called The Reality of Truth. Spirituality, Religion & Psychedelics. Zappy and Chopra are seeking to raise $100,000 for this project by November 7, 2011.
Zappy explains what the project is all about on the Kickstarter page:
“There is a shift in consciousness that is taking place right now. It is a shift away from what used to work in the past, or what used to be “good enough”. This shift in consciousness is causing people to rethink their entire lives–their relationships, their health, and their businesses.
People are fatigued by the chaotic pace of everyday life that leaves them feeling further and further from the peace of mind they crave. People are reconfiguring the very material notion of physical reality, and are moving toward things that would be described as spiritual.
Deepak Chopra and I, together, have been exploring the concept of “reality” for many years. We have brought together the world’s top thought and spiritual leaders to explore the concept of “The Reality of Truth”.
Religions, businesses and governments would prefer us to stay with the status quo, but people are becoming more and more aware that they have the power to change the game.
This movie will help you understand the difference between what our five senses tell us is real, and the reality that we are all capable of tapping into using our sixth sense.We hope you enjoy, and join us in the conversation.“
Zappy is one of the co-founders of Internet Real Estate Group, a company that has operated or currently operates businesses on domain names like,,,, and many others.
NPR has a cool series of Podcasts called “From Scratch” when the host interviews entrepreneurs and discusses how they built they’re business.
The guy who started Kickstarter was on a while back and it’s an interesting story (actually, all the “From Scratch” shows are interesting)
First of all, best of luck for their upcoming documentary. I wish I could contribute something.
Even if I could, what would I say ?
This is my 1st ever comment here and 2nd comment on a domainer’s blog.
Why am I doing it ? Because it has been years I have been thinking about such projects. I had no idea about kickstarter. For the last few months I have been thinking about selling domains for the progress of my dreams. But as of now nothing really happened………. I wish….. one day……I will see something posted here about my ideas.
And thanks a lot Elliot for posting it and the kickstarter stuffs.
Kickstarter is a wonderful idea.
I’m very impressed with their operation.
That’s what development and internet is supposed to be like.
I spent hours looking at their operation.
I hope to come up with a kickstarter sort of genius one day, perhaps you too, Elliot.
Well, since 100k is very likely pocket change for very successful guys like Mike and Deepak, I suspect that the real purpose of their request may be to garner publicity for their project.
Nothing wrong with that, of course.
Pretty smart, actually.
Went to look at the project after reading this and it’s been canceled.
I’ve been impressed by “Zappy” since I heard his first domain-related radio interview, on “Domain Masters”. I think that was probably around ’05!
@ Larry
That’s a bummer.
I was so surprised to see that too. That’s a shame..
Any idea why it was canceled?