I received a newsletter from Media Options this morning with an interesting domain name for sale. Media Options listed EO.com for sale, and the domain name has a price tag of $599,000. The domain name was previously offered in the Media Options newsletter this past April for $750,000.
When I saw EO.com marketed for sale before, my initial thoughts went to errors and omission insurance, commonly referred to as E&O insurance. I don’t know how competitive that particular insurance market is, but I thought there would be an E&O insurance company interested in buying EO.com. There have been quite a few insurance domain names that have sold for large sums of money.
According to an article in Mashable a little over a week ago, there’s a tiny smart car known as the EO 2. The car is a prototype at this point, but if the carmaker continued with the EO branding, it would probably make sense to get this domain name before coming to market. Yes, $600k is a considerable sum of money, but the LL.com market has been quite hot for a number of reasons (explained by Media Options’ Andrew Rosener).
According to the Media Options newsletter I received, “EO.com is the cheapest LL.com on the market today, and LL.com domains are definitely the best and most expensive neighborhood on the web!” It’s remarkable how much these types of domain names have been selling for lately.
I will keep my eye on the Whois and share an update if EO.com sells.
This was the domain for “Executive Outcomes” the private military company back in the day – the forerunner to modern day PMC’s
OE.com will probably sell more than NL.com which went for 575K in March. Keep us posted, Elliot.
EO.com will probably sell more than NL.com which went for 575K in March. Keep us posted, Elliot.
EO.com sold