Yesterday morning on Twitter, Jamie Zoch mentioned that was acquured by a company called Epic Games:
Epic Games acquires 25 yr old #domain name for its #game #paragon in a likely six figure transaction. #gaming
— Jamie Zoch (@yofie) July 1, 2016
I recognized the domain name because I had previously seen it marketed by Andrew Rosener’s Media Options. I looked through my email archive, and I see that was listed for sale via the weekly Media Options domain sales newsletter in September of 2015. The domain name had an asking price of $299,000. This was a significant reduction from when it was offered for $500,000 in April of 2015, also in the Media Options newsletter.
After seeing Jamie’s tweet yesterday, I reached out to Andrew Rosener to ask if his company was responsible for brokering the sale of the domain name. Andrew confirmed that his company “[s]old it on behalf of Textron directly to the Chinese gaming company owned by TenCent.” Andrew would not share the sale price or anything about the price range for this domain name.
In my opinion, it is very possible that this domain name sold for more than it’s offering price last year, especially if the buyer reached out to acquire the domain name privately. I really have no idea though. is a great domain name, and I am sure the buyer will get its money’s worth with this asset.
Do you have the link to submit names for brokerage at media options?
I assume you can just email Andrew.
Sorry, I am not going to allow someone to publish someone’s (possibly) private contact information. I don’t even share people’s email addresses privately without asking first.
Try a Whois lookup or visit their website to see if you can find it. Andrew is not a difficult person to find.
I was not publishing his email address. I was asking what email to submit to and was that it. All I asked was some help. Thanks anyways…
When you posted his email address as a comment, it publicly posted it.
Wouldn’t it be easier to simply do a Whois search or look on his website?
I understand that. I did not know it was some sort of secret. I understand you don’t like to help folks. It is okay… I get it. I won’t ask for help again.
No, it’s not a “secret” but I think it is rude to publish someone’s contact information publicly without their permission.
I find it annoying when people ask for information they can easily find on their own.