Yesterday’s article on CNN about living a lifestyle of “weisure” hit home for me, because I feel like this is the lifestyle I’ve been living for the past year and a half, and 90% of the time I love it. Basically, “weisure time” is defined as the blurring of the line that divides work and leisure.
For me, domain investing and development was an enjoyable hobby I did in my leisure time when not working, and it’s since become my full time work. The article discusses how many Americans have the same issue in different ways, and it’s causing us to change our lifestyles.
It was interesting to read the article, because much of it applies to me, albeit in different ways. I am updating my blog daily, and opening my world to many people who I probably haven’t met. I update my Twitter feed, which has over 400 followers, and because I don’t have a “personal” Twitter account, I totally mix my blog updates with personal updates, and I like it that way.
It is important to separate work from leisure though, as friends and family don’t necessarily want to hear about my work as much as I tend to enjoy talking about it. The big problem I face is that because of this “weisure” time, I never have to separate work and leisure, unless I am out with friends.
Anyhow, I thought it was an interesting read and wanted to share it in case you missed it. was registered May 11… lol You know what they say: if you love your job, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.
i’m going to quick register
Weisure, eh… Has a nice ring to it 😉
Yeah, because of my BlackBerry, I’m essentially on-call 24/7, which certainly has its pros and cons.
I’ve enjoyed the lifestyle and think it is my preference also, but it does get complicated with family and those financial obligations.
The G. Man