I’ve been using a great keyword search tool to help me target domain acquisitions. Using KeywordDiscovery.com, a tool created by Trellian, I am able to find popular search terms related to specific keywords. I can then target specific domain names by putting the popular terms together. While I presume the main intent of this tool is to find keywords for developed website content, this tool helps me target potential domain acquisitions.
Oftentimes, the names that I find aren’t the obvious $100,000 domain names that many people target. These names are usually the strong second tier names that could sell for anywhere between $10,000 – $50,000 at auction or private sale. The advantage for me is that most of these names are less mined, meaning that the owners receive less solicitations. As a result, the owners are more inclined to discuss the sale of their domain names, and I am more likely to complete a sale.
As a rough example, using the keyword “cheap,” the most common searches are for “cheap tickets,” “cheap flights,” and “cheap airfare.” I would imagine the owners of CheapTickets.com, CheapFlights.com, and CheapAirfare.com receive hundreds of domain inquiries a week for these particular names, even though two of those are developed and one is parked.
Using the KeywordDiscovery.com search tool, I can see that “cheap bridesmaid dresses,” “cheap textbooks,” and “cheap lingerie” are all fairly popular search terms, indicating that the corresponding domain names would have some value. If I was looking for a name in this genre, I would probably hone in on these names.
Now that the Overture Search Tool isn’t work much (if at all), KeywordDiscovery.com is a great tool for domain investors to find potential domain names. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean that corresponding domain names receive traffic, it is indicative of the search term being desirable.
Also, I am not being compensated to write this. I am using the free trial.
Elliot, how does KeywordDiscovery.com compare if at all to the Google Keyword Tool? Does it provide more numerical data similar to what the Overture Tool used to provide?
The Overture Keyword Tool was the best of its kind and it was free! No sign-up required. Too bad they did away with the tool. Looks like keyworddiscovery requires a sign-up. That’s a deterrent enough for me.
The free version is here.
Also, Wordtracker has a free version…
Great recommendation Elliot. I’ve been using KD for a month now for fresh regges, and second the opinion. As opposed to Wordtracker, the results seem to be a little more accurate with regard to domain name traffic (as opposed to search term traffic). Google’s tool is excellent, but since it’s based on commerce words with advertiser competition, you are less likely to find available domains unless you are in an obscure niche. Of course, if you are looking for existing domains, that’s not really an issue, and the Google tool would even be more effective.
Thanks for the links to the free version.
Thanks for suggestion, i just found bunch of stuff that relates to my field, with some awesome traffic ( i have a developed site, so rather then parking the site, i just forward, all that traffic is much better money monitaizer). Free version is excellent, showing top 10 words is all i need. My Sedo with 300+ sites making me few cents a day, my site making me 20$ a day with less words.