Is Sedo Advertising .CO Auction on the Radio?

As I’ve mentioned in the past, Sedo is currently holding its .CO premium auction, now through February 17, 2011.  They are advertising the auction in a number of places, but one place I wouldn’t have suspected would be the radio.

Steve Morsa sent me a note today, mentioning that he believes he heard a radio spot for the .CO auction in Los Angeles:

“Heard a short (seemed like 15-30 second long only) Sedo radio ad yesterday afternoon where they pitched that they sold domains; and that they had a number of .co ones up (or coming up) for auction.

It ran on the most-listened to news station in the L.A. metro market KNX News Radio. 1070 AM.”

Wonder how much radio time the company may have purchased across the US. Seems like an interesting method to get the word out. Only issue could be tracking results unless they happened to use a unique url like or something like that.

Always good to see an expansion of advertising channels for companies selling domain names.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Great news for .CO domains it looks like almost every domain company is going the extra mile to promote .CO names imvery happy i managed to invest in a real category killer .CO domain it receives very good type in traffic and revenue hopefully that type in traffic will go higher once .CO becomes very famous.

  2. I had 3 offers for my .co domain names in the past week…including one today. Office very low, but something is going on. Prior to the super bowl ads I have 0 .co offers. It’s fun to get offers…especially for someone like me who doesn’t get many of them.

  3. Actually Joe, as I recall Sedo referred them to; not Had other things on my mind when the ad came on, so wasn’t able to recall the ad any more exactly.

  4. Current suckers are maxed out. Time to bring in new suckers.

    I’ll go on record that the Sedo .co auction will be a big disappointment.

    I’ll go a bit further and say that it will be a HUGE flop.

    I’m even tempted to say that NOT ONE .co domain will sell for more than $10k.

    Crazy right? We’ll see.

  5. @Rob

    By the way this is not the right time to sell .co domains. May or June 2011 might be the good time to sell that. People who don’t have premium .co’s are decreasing .co value.

    I’ve been reading your blog occasionally since before the .Co launch last year but never commented.

    I usually come here, to zoop’s codes, and the pigsfly one(when it was still up) every time just before I’ve bought a new domain. Maybe it’s for courage, maybe just to see what ‘the more experienced ones are saying’.

    I’d like to embrace your “hold ’em for the future” mentality, you put forward to Chris in the previous SEDO article in Jan but it would be great to flip a couple now, even one, just be able to re-reg all of the others come July.

    For all the .co supporters, keep writing/ countering the skeptics. It makes a difference! Elliot’s article takes up about a page in the browser. The comments, go on for ages and folks like to a number of opinions before forming thier own.

  7. The .CO extension is a disgrace and a fraud. It will set domainers back many years. At some point people need to stand up and not let these PIGS see the light of day.

    Pigs being the extension, the people involved in pumping the extension, and those domainers who are willing to throw their integrity out the window by having the nerve to say that this extension is anything less than IDIOTIC and borderline criminal, since it only exists because of its similarity to dotcom.

    Shame on you foolswho don’t even realize that you are hurting everybody in the business by being involved with this garbage in any way.

  8. @ Richards
    but never commented.

    Your so full of it, you been whoring .Co on here all along

    under aliases, that’s the kind worms these .Ho pushers are!

  9. Endusers prefer to determine the right price using a much more proper negotiation directly with the seller rather than a engaging in a bidding war. All this exposure will guarantee Mann some great sales, but NOT now. Only a small percentage of those names on auction will sell with none of these being in reserve range higher than “10k-25k”. Jeff Kupietzky confirms what I think it’s right.

  10. @ landon white. This is my 2nd ever post. No aliases, no ploys. I only became a ‘domainer’ last year when I started a business and did some reading around domains .These .co domains are a financial investment so obviously I’m going to want them to do well and ‘push them.’

    I really don’t see the need for the level of anger I see against people who’ve invested in this extension. If its all gonna go belly-up, then it us who will lose out ! Not you!

    I really dont wanna start arguing with you here. All this whoring talk is the thing that makes ricks blog unpleasant to read.

    Without insulting me, or accusing me of aliasing, can you simply answer why YOU are so angry about the growing .Co investment?

  11. @Richards

    You are right. Other TLDs should also be given chance to rise. We are know good .com’s are already registered then how we can earn from domaining if we don’t have premium .com’s??
    Some people are just so irritating…

  12. Hi Everyone! Glad to see Sedo’s radio ads getting some exposure through the domain community. It’s true, we are running .co radio ads in some major U.S. cities including Boston, Chicago, Colorado (the “CO” state) and of course LA. So far we’ve had great response and we are excited to be introducing more people to the power of domains for their online business.

    To hear a clip of the LA and Colorado ads you can check out our Sedo facebook page at

    Sedo’s .Co Auction is running now: Feb 10-17th!

  13. Glad that sedo is trying to reach out to end users but why they picked this crappy auction to buy radio spots makes no sense. They must be getting a HUGE commission or bought into the hype that, as the radio ads say “.co is the new .com”.

    I see no reason to change my mind that this .co auction will be a HUGE flop and probably the nail in the coffin for .co.

    Seriously, after this auction is a complete failure, how many future auctions are going to carry ANY .co domains?

  14. @ Rob

    I want to say that I respect the fact that you are using your real name in your criticism. I think a lot of people would hide behind a cloak of anonymity when posting comments like this.

    However, I disagree with what you’re saying about .CO and I don’t understand why you are so vehemently in your opinion. With the introduction of gTLDs, I think there are going to be changes among consumer habits – probably not in the VERY near future, but likely coming. The most important thing is that we just don’t know what the future will hold.

    Sure, .CO could possibly fail, but it could take off and be very big. I have been very tempered in my comments about .CO because I don’t see it as a short term play. However, I don’t understand how you can be so strongly opinionated about this. It’s completely different than .mobi and probably more in line with .TV than others, and .TV investments have been pretty good from what I understand, especially in the last couple of years.

  15. Thanks for the comment.

    In my view it is ONLY a short term play.

    I’ve seen plenty of bubbles and marketing propaganda and there really is little evidence behind the hype.

    I guess I’m trying to be a voice of reason and maybe saving some people from wasting their money.

    But hey, I’m just one guy and if anyone thinks that little old me is going to have ANY effect on auction prices, development or anything else then the .co empire is pretty fragile.

    So, put it this way, if this Sedo .co auction GROSSES over $100k total, I’ll consider toning down my comments. Right, I said $100k total. I don’t think the auction will gross over $100k for all those fantastic .co domains.

    If Juan Calle does a press release stating how many new .co registrations came in after the Super Bowl, I’ll consider toning down my comments.

    But… auction flop and no press release means that .co is toast.

    So, not out to get .co or anything but I do hate to see people tricked into wasting their money and in my opinion, we’ve now gotten to that point with .co.

    .co is NOT the new .com, let’s agree to that people.

  16. @ Raman

    Rob is welcome to post his views here just like you and anyone else. I like when there is a variety of feedback from all sides. It can help people make better informed decisions.


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