Andrew Rosener, CEO of Media Options domain brokerage, tweeted about a major domain name acquisition Internet Real Estate Ltd. recently made:
Just bought possibly the biggest domain we have ever owned. Huge!
— Andrew Rosener (@andrewrosener) November 25, 2017
Subsequent to this tweet, Andrew reached out to Hover via Twitter for some help with the domain transfer. George Kirikos speculated that the domain name Andrew may have acquired was
As I noted in a reply, the mystery domain name might be (via Amazon), since it meets the parameters of some recent tweets (at Hover, and recently unlocked).
— George Kirikos (@GeorgeKirikos) November 28, 2017
In a conversation I had with Andrew (and a public tweet) he confirmed that was acquired by Internet Real Estate Ltd. The purchase price was not disclosed to me, but I would be very surprised if it was not a seven figure acquisition. Andrew said that the opportunity was brought to him by James Booth of It appears that the issue that complicated the transfer was resolved, and the domain name was successfully transferred to Internet Real Estate’s ownership (according to Andrew, although the domain name is still registered under privacy proxy). was a company that offered meeting software and tools. Crunchbase notes that raised $2.4 million in funding. I am not really sure what happened to the business that operated on prior to the acquisition of the domain name.
There are a number of companies who I could see as prospective buyers for this domain name. We shall see what the company does with it in the meantime.
Wow, that’s a nice one! Congrats to Drew on acquiring this killer domain.
See it in many Vietnamese names, exploding economy over there, guess this one is not going on the namejet block.
Congrats, I have no better name!