Although I am not really investing in the new gTLD domain names right now, I think it’s interesting to see what is being done with the domain names that are developed and being used by their owners.
Instead of relying on reports of newly launched new gTLD domain names from bloggers and/or domain registries, you can use Google to see what new gTLD domain names are indexed in the search engine. It seems like Google may index some new gTLD domain names that are only being used as a forwarder to another website, but this search is a good way to see what is indexed.
If you want to have a look at some of the indexed new gTLD domain names, visit Google and do a search for “site:.extension.”
Let’s say you want to do a search to see what .Movie domain names are indexed in Google. You would perform a search for “site:.Movie.” Here are some of the domain names I found indexed that have websites on .Movie domain names:
- Freeheld.Movie
- TheLastWitchHunter.Movie
- TheChoice.Movie
- NormOfTheNorth.Movie
- TheHungerGames.Movie
As someone who is interested in the marketing and usage of the new gTLD domain names more than buying them, I think it’s neat to see what domain names are being used and who is using them. Doing this type of search might be a good idea for people looking to invest to see how other domain names are being used.
I think one major key to new gTLD domain names having aftermarket value is the usage of them, and this Google search shortcut is a good way to track usage on your own.
Great tip! Thanks Elliot.
You’re welcome.
Try this: #notcom 🙂
Elliot thanks for this post. It is people like you that make this industry awesome!
Tx Elliot !
Will help me in marketing to end users
Wonder how Wall Street would respond if the stock exchanges reporting sales of stocks included one, inconsistently unreliable appraisal number for stocks
Thank you. I’ve invested in new TLDs and like to see how well they are doing. This is very helpful information.