GoDaddy’s Alan Shiflett Takes Position at Afternic

Since GoDaddy acquired Afternic in September of last year, I haven’t seen all that many changes at either company. I just learned of a personnel change that will bring GoDaddy Premier Services Supervisor Alan Shiflett to Massachusetts to become Partner Sales Manager at Afternic.

I’ve worked with Alan for a couple of years, and have always found him to be proactive with my account and responsive to my requests (no matter the time or the day of the week). His addition at Afternic will be a loss for GoDaddy, but hopefully they will replace him with someone who is equally as helpful.

I jumped at this opportunity to take on this new role as I feel that the domain aftermarket will continue to grow and am excited to focus in on the sales side of domain investing,” Alan told me. “In this role I will maintain a close relationship with Premier Services as many of their clients are already using Afternic as a sales solution. I will also have the opportunity to foster new relationships with those whom I have had little to no interaction with in the past.”

Although Alan is originally from Arizona, he should fit right in when he moves to Boston, as he is a big Red Sox fan. In fact, I first met Alan in person at Fenway Park before the World Series last year.

Through the grapevine, I’ve heard that GoDaddy may be opening an office in Cambridge (just outside of Boston), where the company will house two of its recent acquisitions – Afternic and Locu, a company it acquired a month prior to the Afternic acquisition. It would be interesting if the company does that because there is a lot of talent to draw from in the area if they decide to grow part of the GoDaddy business on the east coast.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Alan’s going to be awesome in this new role. This move was part of a broader restructure that closer ties the Afternic and GoDaddy teams together. We are one Aftermarket business unit and will be operating as such moving forward.

    The Boston area is beautiful and I know Alan is going to have a great time out there.


  2. Is Alan Shiflett part of the “Secret Domain Society” run by DomainBoardroom? Are you, Elliot, a member of this group?……This group is under scrutiny for a handful of unethical business practices, including auction manipulation at all auction platforms. Industry insiders involved in this group needs to become transparent in order for investors not to be a victim of the fraud and manipulation….So I ask you again Elliot, are you a member of the DBR Secret Domain Society?

    • No…All serious. Are you unaware of the developments that have come forward regarding the DBR “Secret Domain Society”?…There are some serious accusations that could become criminal regarding this society…Manipulating auctions is no small crime……..Are you a member? Do you support Shane or the Secret Domain Society?….. The development of the Secret Domain Society has astonishing ripple effects on the whole domain industry. I for one will no longer purchase domains at auction, as the prices are manipulated by the Secret Domain Society…

    • Aaron,

      Once again you have proven that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You have just made wild claims that are not based in reality. I would address your claims point by point but frankly the claims have no merit.


    • @Aaron: Are you seriously making accusations of criminal fraud or of some kind of criminal investigation, although none exists? Or are you just making this up or making some stupid joke? I think you better get pretty specific pretty fast, these are serious accusations with serious consequences.

    • Elliot and Brad, Please don’t discredit my seriousness….I asked some serious questions. If you can’t answer the questions just take the fifth…..As far as the ill intentions of the Secret Domain Society,there has already been some admitting of wrongdoing…Now we are trying to find out how manipulative this society is and what the effects have been….Can you answer or address the concerns?

    • Alan – Congrats to you on the new position. Drinks on you at the next convention!! (keep in mind- It snows in Boston!!) 😉

      Aaron, get a life and stop insinuating and spreading lies. (If you don’t know what you’re talking about..Don’t!)

    • Shane is my friend and Donna is my friend.
      I am also a member of DBR. Thanks for asking.

  3. Aaron,

    As a member of DBR I am taking your comments very personally, to the point of slander.

    Please contact me at so that we may discuss your concerns about me in full detail. I do NOT represent DBR, only myself.

    I will be awaiting your email.

    Charles Christopher

    • Charles, with all due respect, part of the problem is transparency so I would wish you address your response publicly. Private and “whisper” talk has no integrity at this time….. If you take my comments personally, maybe you should refer to the company you keep……

    • Now you are claiming to be my mother, and inform me what company I should keep?

      And who are you to even suggest *I* share my PRIVATE MATTERS with you?

      You seem to be confusing me with some government official, which I am not. I am a businessman like others in this industry. To claim I owe you ANYTHING is absurd!

      You want something? Work your ass off as hard as hard as I have to EARN and DESERVE what YOU have! Do not play mind games on others to suggest I owe you ANYTHING!

      Do not apply your sense of entitlement and victim mentality on me, claiming *I* have engaged in illegal acts. You need to lookup the definition of slander, and do so fast!

  4. @Aaron and your credibility and information comes from? That’s what I thought – you’re delusional imagination. You would be best served by retracting your false statements.

    • Alan Shiflett, I apologize if you have no idea about the recent developments regarding the DBR Secret Domain Society. I could see how the question could be taken as a “joke” if you are unaware of the circumstances. However, the Secret Domain Society is real and is under scrutiny for mischievous actions…..To avoid a conflict of interest I feel you should mention your affiliation with this group for the integrity of the industry….

    • “I apologize if you have no idea about the recent developments regarding the DBR Secret Domain Society.”

      1) What recent developments?

      “the Secret Domain Society is real and is under scrutiny for mischievous actions”

      2) Where’s the proof it’s real?

      3) Who/what has it “under scrutiny”?

      4) What mischievous actions?

      If you refuse to answer these 4 simple questions with specifics, it’ll be obvious to everyone that you are just a troll fabricating stuff for attention.

    • Aaron,

      What “recent developments” or “mischievous actions” are you even talking about? All you are doing is making outlandish claims without anything to back it up.

      It is making yourself look foolish, again.


  5. Alan,
    Congratulations! We have talked a few times at conferences and I have heard many great things about you from many domainers.

    Sorry, you have to move to Boston. But at least you can make Elliot bring you out to dinner. 🙂

  6. Congrats Allen Shiftleft. I look forward to reduced commissions and superior services 🙂

    • Do you get those reduced commissions and superior services for being a DBR Secret Domain Society member?

    • Pretty lonely there in that rubber room, eh Aaron? But you can see ‘why’ now. Just take the meds they tell you to take, and that glass of anti-freeze, and all will be ok again. And ‘maybe’ you’ll keep at least one domainer as a friend, cause you sure made yourself toxic to the rest today.

    • what toxic mess? You still haven’t elaborated on what the mess is? and yes I belong to DBR as well. So you better have your clarification points on target just as Charles suggested. I commend Elliot’s patience with all of this and I shouldn’t feed this troll but it just angers me to no end, the slander and conjecture against good, hardworking, like minded people, such as myself. Step very lightly Aaron…very very lightly….

      “Rumour is a pipe
      Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures
      And of so easy and so plain a stop
      That the blunt monster with uncounted heads,
      The still-discordant wavering multitude,
      Can play upon it.”
      ― William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2

    • “I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there’s purpose and worth to each and every life.” – Ronald Reagan

    • Aaron – Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

    • “I did not cause the toxic mess, I only recognize it”

      Can you clean up all the GMO crap while you’re at it, Aaron S?

      How about the freaking sludge from fracking?

      And, *please* don’t forget the dead birds from wind turbines!

      Thanks for caring, buddy!

    • “Ladies and gentlemen. The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago, that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are are cited to justify it.” – JFK

    • Aaron
      It must be really depressing to be so obsessed with something, and then to realize that it is something that you can never experience. So sad! I feel for you brother. That probably explains your behavior here. Just let it go… You’ll feel much better, I promise.

  7. I just want to say I have nothing to do with all this. Congrats to Alan and it’s too bad the comments have been hijacked.

    Again, not affiliated with anything going on here. I may have unwillingly started it but I’m over it. I am hard at work selling plants. Too busy to be part of all the silliness today


  8. Well again you can now see that I have already said I think unfortunately the whole Domaining World is now getting very political indeed in view of such vile comments made in many posts. Perhaps I would also like to mention the fact that I feel proud most probably being the only person with total deafness from birth and full grammar school education to make some success and love domaining after only two years despite already retired some ten years ago, so I only rely on emails or texts not voice phone calls and therefore do not expect such blatant discrimination. Thank you.

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