GoDaddy to Make “Huge Product Announcement” Today

If you visited YouTube today, you may have come across the huge GoDaddy advertising banner across the top of the website announcing a product launch event with Ayesha Curry:

I don’t have details about what will be launched or who is targeted with the launch, but here’s a description about the event found via the YouTube page:

“Tune-in as we unveil our latest product designed to boost business for entrepreneurs everywhere. Brought to you by GoDaddy.

Join special guest speakers Ayesha Curry and GoDaddy CEO Aman Bhutani as they debut our new product created to make you look great online, enhance your engagement with customers and grow your ideas. Customize your website, choose from new beautiful templates and access all the marketing tools you need, right at your fingertips.”

My educated guess is the launch is related to a new web development product from GoDaddy.

Newly minted CEO Aman Bhutani will participate in the livestream with Ayesha Curry, one of GoDaddy’s entrepreneur spokespeople. The event will be held today at 3pm Eastern time. I am sure a video of the event can be watched at your convenience if you are unable to watch live.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I took a quick look at the main site that they use as an example. From an SEO perspective, it actually performs pretty bad on mobile (which is surprising) according to Google’s Pagespeed Insights (a low score of only 63 on mobile). And,

    There definitely are a bunch of other issues that need to be fixed or optimized that GoDaddy could have built into their templates, like the way they deal with .CSS and JavaScript.

    The biggest complaint I get is that Wix and Squarespace sites are far from being SEO friendly, and that’s GoDaddy’s competitors here. I really was hoping that GoDaddy would get it right this time when they launched this.

  2. My gut feeling is that within a year or two Godaddy will move most of their business to India… who will make that announcement? The new CEO?


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