GoDaddy / NameFind Sells

In my morning DomainTools Registrant Alert email, I noticed that GoDaddy’s NameFind likely sold A current Whois record  shows that the new registrant of is The Delaware Company House LLC. The domain name is not yet resolving.

Knowing that GoDaddy does not tend to report sale prices from its NameFind portfolio, my assumption is that the purchase price of will remain private. If I were to guess, I would say this was a 6 or potentially a 7 figure acquisition, again, assuming the domain name was sold.

Back in April, Jamie Zoch of DotWeekly reported about GoDaddy’s acquisition of in a large domain portfolio purchase. Since then, I’ve noticed a few other domain name sales that seem to be from that portfolio, but looks like one of the better names to have sold.

I reached out to several contacts within GoDaddy’s Aftermarket management and teams to see if they will comment, and I will update this if they are able to share any details about this.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. Hey Elliot, I can confirm that it sold, though I won’t be able to confirm a sales price.

    Love that another NameFind domain was able to find its way to an end user that will make the most out of their new digital identity.


  2. I won a GoDaddy/ NameFind auction. I paid for it right away.
    They removed it from my won auctions and straight up LIED to me that they hadn’t caught the domain in time.
    Complete and totally lie. As namefind has owned it and still owns it, this is disgusting behavior.
    Plus no email from GoDaddy explaining any of this.

    • Hi Elliot, I would be happy to let you know the name via email.
      It was GoDaddy expiring auction.
      I won the domain and paid for 2-3 days ago.
      Winning bid notification
      Congratulations! You have placed the winning bid for Item Number 2xxxxxx,, in the amount of US$xxx.

      Then I also have a my receipt for paying
      Expiry Domain Name Purchase

      Item Number: 9xxxxx
      Quantity: 1
      Term: 1

  3. Not certain if my reply went through.
    I can email you the domain in question.
    Won it via GD Auctions 3 days ago. Paid 2 days ago. Today it vanished from won and is showing under didn’t win tab.
    Called GD customer support. They claimed they couldn’t pick up the domain.
    While I was on the line with support, I told them domain tools whois showed Namefind as the current and previous registrant and no change in any status.
    Emailed auction support, no reply.
    This seems like extremely bad faith on GoDaddy’s part.

  4. Very unhappy with reply from GD auctions.
    This domain is clearly part of the namefind portfolio.
    I got an excellent deal on it and GD/Namefind backed out of it since I got a great buy.


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