They say content is king, and having good content written by experts is even better. According to a variety of Twitter posts on Friday, Go Daddy held a “write-a-thon” this week, and the result will benefit customers and others searching for information about domain names, Go Daddy, hosting, and a variety of other topics.
GoDaddy operates its Inside Go Daddy blog, which the company updates regularly. Inside Godaddy is described as the:
“inside source for what’s going on with Go Daddy’s tech experts. You’ll get insight and opinions from Go Daddy’s tech leaders on industry topics, company projects & open source initiatives … the leading edge, unconventional, “behind-the-scenes” information you won’t find anywhere else. It’s not PR, it’s not executive talk, it’s the story straight from Go Daddy’s developers, engineers & IT personnel.”
Some of the expert blog writers include CTO Wayne Thayer, Internal Audit Director Mark Milne, Director of IT Security Operations Scott Gerlach, Chief Scientist David Koopman, Vice President of Product Development Richard Merdinger, and a variety of executives and directors.
Holding a Write-a-thon like this is a great way for the company to expand its search footprint with expert articles. The company seems to be taking advantage of Google’s authorship program (via Google Plus), giving the search results an even larger presence with author photographs right in the results.
Many companies and website owners outsource their content to writing services and ghostwriters, but it looks like Go Daddy is doing things the right way. They are having their own experts provide the content.