Musician Future sent fans on a music hunt across 149 different domain names to find music “leaked” from Future’s new album. The viral tweet announcing this Internet scavenger hunt of sorts was shared this afternoon on Future’s Twitter feed:
— FUTURE/FREEBANDZ (@1future) May 14, 2020
When you visit the primary HighOff.Life website, you can see a website that is a collaboration between Future and MSCHF, a company that was written about in Business Insider earlier this year for its viral marketing efforts. At the top of the website, it says that one of the urls on the left hand side of the website is playing music from Future’s upcoming album, which will be released at midnight.
On the left hand side of the website, you can see a list of nearly 150 “HighOff” domain names in various extensions, including gTLDs, ccTLDs, and new gTLD extensions. While is one of the domain names referenced, there are many other HighOff domain names with the new extensions, such as HighOff.Domains,, HighOff.Buzz, HighOff.Cloud, HighOff.Site, and pretty much every other extension you’ve heard about. Dozens of HighOff new gTLDs were registered as part of this unique marketing campaign. I am sure Donuts is happy!
When you click on each domain name, you are taken to a different website with the same general design as the rest of them, but it either says “No Music Here” or it has a Play button on it allowing visitors to play music for a limited time. After the clock expires, the music stops and it moves to a different domain name.
Not only is this a pretty unique marketing campaign, but it will probably introduce people to a whole variety of new domain extensions. Several hours after the initial tweet, there have been several thousand retweets and nearly 20,000 likes.
Most probably think he wasting money. The underestimate the power of meme. If it works for him, what can you say?
Not everyone can copy him and make it work though. Remember Sometimes things go viral. Others try and fail. One hit wonders. Bottom line though, more nTLD awareness. Soon it’ll be popular… These new domains aren’t dying. Contrary.
I literally work for myself; I have no motive. Only offer my opinion/observations – pertinent to OUR best interests. Domainers wont make or break my nTLD sucess/failure is far beyond our power. Just open your eyes, that’s all.
The WORST thing you could do is MISLEAD people, so be careful now.
Don’t think it will lead to much success of new TLDs but I like this because more website developed on nTLDs mean more traffic leaks to the corresponding .COM domain and hence more value for the dot-Com.
We only have one non-Dot-Com domain – kept it because I just like it with the .org extension . I remember few years ago when we dropped few other extensions of our dot-Coms, it actually lead to many .com sales from the people who picked up our drops and then wanted the matching dot-com name.
Ultimately people developing sites on non-dot-com names is a good think for dot-Com names imo.