According to Coin Telegraph, there has reportedly been a security incident involving domain names at Squarespace. “Multiple decentralized finance (DeFi) apps were targeted in a domain registry attack on July 11, according to an X post from blockchain security platform Blockaid,” the article reported. As you may recall, Squarespace acquired the domain names registered at the Google’s domain registrar after Google exited the domain registrar business.
Fred Hsu is a domain industry veteran and startup founder. Many years ago, Fred was the Co-Founder and CTO of Oversee, one of the leading domain industry companies at that time. Fred is now the Co-Founder and CEO of D3, a company aiming to bridge the gap between web 2 and web 3 domain names. With Fred’s experiences in the traditional domain industry and the crypto space, he is well equipped to share insight and offer tips about best practices for domain name security.
This afternoon as news of the Squarespace incident has been spreading, Fred posted a thread of domain name security tips. Many of these would be helpful to domain investors whose domain name assets could be at risk if they aren’t proactive about security.
The Squarespace debacle highlights the critical importance of domain security and your best defense is every step you take to ensure the safety of your domains. 🧵👇
— Fred Hsu (@heyheyfred) July 11, 2024
I shared the first post in Fred’s thread, and it would benefit you to read through his security recommendations to keep your domain names safe on the registrar side.