I noticed a UDRP was filed against the Electrum.com domain name, which was initially created back in 1996. The UDRP was filed by Thomas Voegtlin, the creator of what a cryptocurrency wallet service called Electrum, which uses Electrum.org for its website. It appears that the Electrum wallet has existed since 2011. The UDRP is WIPO Case D2018-1088.
When I visited Electrum.com to see what may have prompted the UDRP filing, there was an interesting message at the top:
“Due to false accusations from electrum.org, they have ruined our reputation and brand of Electrum Pro. They managed to trick several news outlets to slander us. We decided to go our seperate ways to work on different projects. Our domain ELECTRUM.COM is for sale now with a price of 25BTC, non-negotiable. Contact lucaslofgren@mail.com if you are interested.”
I did a bit of research to see what they may be referencing, and I came across a CCN.com news article that seems to show the crux of the dispute. According to the article, “Popular bitcoin wallet service Electrum has released evidence demonstrating that copycat client ‘Electrum Pro’ is ‘bitcoin-stealing malware.‘”
It appears that the creator of the Electrum wallet is using the UDRP process to get the Electrum.com domain name. It will be interesting to see how this UDRP turns out.
“ELECTRUM.COM is for sale now with a price of 25BTC, non-negotiable.”
25BTC is approx. $ 209,000.
I hope the org guy loses the udrp.