Sedo recently instituted “Direct Auctions,” allowing domain owners to start auctions at any time. This tool can help domain owners sell domain names, but it can also be good for domain investors looking for deals.
One way for a domain investor to take advantage of these auctions is to track the current auctions on Sedo via RSS feed. The feed can be plugged into your favorite RSS feed reader, and you’ll have access to all of the ongoing auctions at Sedo at any given time.
I think it is important for domain owners to do their own marketing when they list a domain name for sale via auction. This is probably obvious for most savvy domain owners, but there are many people who don’t market their auctions (or don’t do a good job at marketing their domain names). This means there could be good values found.
The one downside to this is that every auction shows up. There will be plenty of auctions listed for domain names that aren’t meaningful to you and/or aren’t of value. There aren’t a ton of ongoing auctions, especially when compared to large auction houses so it is not too burdensome to follow the auctions via RSS feed. If it becomes annoying to follow, you can always remove the feed from your reader.
I’m going to add the RSS feed to my RSS feed reader and will hopefully find some good auction deals.
Good resource and Great tip!
It seems like an obvious tip but it is one that is neglected by many Domainers who don’t effectively Market their Domain Listings/Auctions because of time constraints or other reasons.
Marketing (paid or free) is essential for getting the most out of individual Domain Listings/Auctions.