I visit Boston.com many times per day, and I was surprised to see an article about .Vegas domain names right on the Boston.com home page. As you can see, the article link has a fairly prominent spot on the home page, although that may be due to the fact that it was just published.
In my opinion, articles like these will benefit all of the new gTLD registries. I don’t know about you, but lately, when I mention that I buy and sell domain names for a living, people ask me what I think about the new domain names. Most probably don’t know all that much about them and may not even be domain owners, but it’s interesting to hear this come up in casual conversations. I find it amusing when they ask me because it would seem pretty obvious that I’ve heard about them if I am involved in the domain business 🙂
Interestingly and perhaps glaringly even, the article did not mention the .Boston new gTLD domain name that will eventually be coming out, although it did mention that ICANN “is in the process of rolling out hundreds of new top-level domains, including dot-college, dot-dating, and dot-Miami.”
Any time that the home page of a major newspaper mentions domain names, it’s a good thing for this business.
Isn’t that just a paid press release that is fed to all the major news outlets?
The AP would indicate that it is an Associated Press article rather than a press release written by the company.