The Domain Roundtable live auction was held yesterday in Washington DC, and despite audio and video broadcasting problems, the auction netted $498,100. The largest sale of the day was for, a domain name owned by Yahoo!, which sold for $380,000 to a bidder in the audience. In addition, the Internet Commerce Association also raised over $10,000 from the sale of donated domain names.
IMO, the biggest steal of the auction was for $750. The DRT extended auction runs between now and June 24th. If you saw a name you like, continue to check in on the auction as the prices may be adjusted to encourage a sale, as I’ve seen in the past.
For the full results, have a look at DNN, where Frank Michlick did a live blog of the auction.
I’m still waiting for the Elliot-branded Auction. Latona is hogging all the personal-branded auctions.
Think bigger than what you’re doing Elliot. at 10% commission, you could net $100k in the two days…
@DC Mike
Nah… too much going on 🙂
The auction was a lot of fun to watch. We were the house bid that won, glad to hear you think it was a steal 🙂