Domain Name Event: “The Impact of gTLDs on the Internet”


Fairwinds and The Greater Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society are hosting an event next week called “The Impact of gTLDs on the Internet,” and the event is open to the public. This free panel, moderated by David McAuley of Bloomberg BNA, will be held on Monday, December 16 at Busboys and Poets in Washington DC at noon.

Panelists who will be participating in the discussion include:

  • Dr. Burt Kaliski – Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Verisign, Inc.
  • Sarah Deutsch – Vice President and General Counsel, Verizon Communications
  • Taylor Frank – Vice President, Strategy and Development, FairWinds Partners
  • Jon Nevett, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Donuts, Inc
  • Andrew Mack – Founder, AMGlobal Consulting

The panel will discuss the impact the new gTLDs will have on the Internet, as the event title suggests. It’s going to be an interesting discussion considering the differing interests each of the panelists have – legal, registry, and consulting.

I am not sure if there is a limit to the number of tickets available, but if you are in the DC area, you might want to sign up and attend the event.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. I sure wish I could make it. Is it a coincidence that, “The Impact of gTLDs on the Internet” is taking place in Washington DC? In case you haven’t noticed Washington DC is plagued by lies, corruption and deceit. The parallels of the new gTLD’s and Washington DC are symphonic.

  2. R. E. = ” legal, registry, and consulting. ”

    These groups are the same (Big Money Closet Sponsors) of the D N A

    Surely you dont think that this contrived Dog and Pony Show will reveal an unbiased view of these new gTLD Derivatives Ploys ?

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  3. I would be surprised if it wasn’t webcast, you have to attract the fools to your sales pitch somehow.

    “In case you haven’t noticed Washington DC is plagued by lies, corruption and deceit.”

    Your 100% correct Aaron, however don’t think for a minute the majority of domainers have clean hands, our industry is plagued by click fraud, cybersquatters, typosqatters, tragedy squatters, hijackers, spammers and domainers who try to rip off other domainers almost on a daily basis.


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