Domain Brokerage Listings – 7/3

Listed below are the new domain brokerage and domain broker listings. If you have an interest in buying one of the domain names, contact the broker directly. I am not involved with any of the listings.

You may list one domain name that you own for sale in the comment section. The requirement is the same for the brokers – one domain name per person, it has to be priced, it must be a new sale listing (or a drastic price reduction), and you must leave your contact information. I will delete listings that don’t meet these simple requirements.

People are able to like/dislike comments, so don’t post if you can’t take criticism about your domain name. I ask commenters not to add their input about domain names out of respect for the owners (that’s what the like/dislike buttons are for).

If you don’t see anything you like for sale this week, you should check out the large selection of domain names at  Nokta Domains.

  • – $1,200,000 – Sedo (Dave Evanson)
  • – $275,000 – Media Options (Andrew Rosener)
  • – $25,000 – Media Options (Tess Diaz)
  • – $7,500 – Domain Holdings (Tracy Fogarty)
Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


    • I would like to offer up MARIJUANAGUY.COM for $350 USD.

      It’s a great domain. Even the drug cartels want to get it.

      They also have sent ninjas with swords to cut off my jade plant. But I foiled them with my mad old asian man with a beer belly skills and they made off in the night like the jealous thieves that they are.

      Remember, this is a DISSERTATION on my most fabulous domain name.

      You like?

  1. 1,200

    Gets daily traffic from previous website

    Offer valid for 48 hours

    contact through whois

  2. 1 domain TO CHANGE THE ENTIRE domain industry.

    The 1° domain OF THE CHANGE.

    $ 6,000

    (fill out the contact form)

    This is the FIRST STEP towards the GREAT TURNING POINT.
    THIS IS THE DOMAIN for a platform STRICTLY RESERVED TO HIGH QUALITY DOMAINS composed by 1 WORD, no more: this type of marketplace is WHAT YOU NEED NOW!!!

    One marketplace ACCEPTING only domains composed by 1 word. This marketplace will be THE TRACTOR to pull out the domain world from the sticky position.

    Who develop this powerful domain WILL CHANGE THE COURSE OF EVENTS, in the ENTIRE domain world, and will earn AT LEAST 1000 TIMES the price paid for it.

    This is my gift to domaining, since I am not a domainer and domainers are often lazy and confused, but they still deserved a gift, because domaining is also a battle for freedom, and they have been screwed a lot…

    Unique opportunity. Price valid ONLY for 7 days. In the future the price will increase drastically.

    • @This is my gift to domaining, since I am not a domainer and domainers are often lazy and confused.

      “lazy and confused” huh?

      So you think the name you registered today
      is worth $6k? If it was that easy we would all be millionaires……..

    • Not all of course, but I didn’t want to say “incompetent”. They don’t see much far, but this IS NOT THEIR FAULT: to understand domaining you need experience as entrepreneur, sales man, mktg.manager, may be intellectual property attorney (for marks of course, in particular). It is not domainer’s fault AND EVIDENTLY THIS IS NOT VALID FOR YOU: there are also domainers that clearly see what is missing, but simply thay are too few.

      I am an entrepreneur, not a domainer. Do you think entrepreneur are happy to pay someone for a domain they simply registered firstly…(often without no plans on it, only speculative will)?. I feel like I am giving myself away now, but Freedom is more important. The battle for Freedom IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL THE REST. 99% of you are indians (although many probably think they are cowboys) and this is a battle for Freedom. Freedom is more important than anything else.

      This is a gift, because that type of marketplace is a cannon, a cannon for indians. Call me Kevin Costner, if you want 🙂 , but trust me, for someone that is not a domainer, giving away his self (and all entrepreneurs), giving powerful idea(arms) to the enemy IS NOT WORTH $6K. I gave this idea/arm to all only for love of Freedom. Can sound pathetic to you, but I do not worry, because if you think this way means that you can not see very far, or you are not for Freedom. Instead I’ve always been on the side of those who fight for Freedom (even if those are domainers).

    • Anyway I’d like to say that the price can be half, $3K only, if the buyer will launch a serious platform for 1 word domains only within the end of the year ($3K will be placed in escrow and returned to the buyer as soon as the site will start to work and it will have at least 5,000 one word domains).

  3. $10,000
    on godaddy.

    starting in august in los angeles all mass transit, metro link, railway and buses will be on the tap card system.[transit access pass] no more cash, tap is a debit card.
    next year all mass transit throughout the nation will be using tapcards.



    Buy at –>

    Easy Build-out for safety, food items, vaccine, FDA recommendations, fruits and vegetable, wine, film etc.

    Use the secure Zopim message platform at bottom-right of screen to chat live with us, if it indicates that we are offline, please leave a message, including the domain name you are interested in, your name, phone number, email address, and your offer in US dollars; we will get back to you as soon as possible. Regular Price $15,000. Price good for 5 days from listing date stamp.

  5. – $500

    e-mail : domain(at)hadnow(dot)com

    Price valid only till 7th July, 2013.

    Thanks Elliot for allowing me to offer the domain for sale.

    • I wasn’t laughing at the domain Max registered yesterday, I was laughing because I thought his post was funny.

      And I like my domain, it pays for itself and gets inquiries, and all these are taken and more than half are working sites, I am not sure what you go by but based on my criteria it is a good domain:


    • I wanted to be funny, but I can be extremely serious even when I am joking
      (in fact to be funny was my purpose, but I didn’t use emoticons 🙂 )

    • I’ve just done a research through the sedo marketplace and this is what I just found: available for purchase at a price of $79.At least he/she lives in the real world.
      Another thing I’ve seen:
      Several extensions available for,.tv,.info,.me,.eu,.biz…

    • You can laugh as much as you want and continue to write in such a childish manner but reality is what it is,you’re not gonna sell it at that price.You’d have more chances with a more realistic sale price ($500?).

    • So your advice is I should price it at $500? I guess you will really think I am crazy and childish then to know I turned down a $2k offer on it.

      I would be interested to see what you have for sale, seriously, I love buying domains from domainers that undervalue their domains. What do you have to offer besides what I would consider to be bad advice?

  6. Selling fully developed website with traffic and all original content and over 2500 FB Real(!!) Friends
    Exact Psychology Term (for those Psych majors!)

    MentalDisorder.Net @$2.5k


  7. Thanks Elliot,

    Just hand rego’d – 95% of all the chocolate we buy is actually this stuff!!

    Hersheys, forget try !!


  8. Your weekend (events, concerts, music, festivals, attractions & more) planner. $ 2100

    Contact via whois or through Afternic.

    Thank you Elliot

  9. WirelessHeadphone (dot) com

    4,400 exact searches per month
    33,000+ phrase searches per month
    450,000 broad searches per month

    Huge industry, getting bigger and bigger. Own the dot com!!!
    Less than 1/2 of Estibot appraisal of $84,000!!!
    Lots of room for a flip to a manufacturer as well.

    Thanks for the opportunity Elliot!

    • I told my sister about the domain names and pricing and she was like—–that’s way too expensive….!!!!!! So, I am reducing the price for both to 10K or one for 5K. Live and learn.


    the very unique domain name potential for dating and social sites is available for $7000..

    with Third Party appraisal certification


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