Domaining Europe will be held May 29-31, 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands. The conference will be held at the Grand Hotel Amrâth Kurhaus, and I am thinking about making the trip to Europe to attend this year’s conference.
According to the conference website, this will be the 8th Domaining Europe conference. Tickets are available for sale via EventBright, and the cost is €623.02.
Conference organizer Dietmar Stefitz shared some updates about Domaining Europe that I want to share with you.
We are just about 4 month to the Start of Domaining Europe 2016 in The Hague.
Preparations are in full speed, and I can announce the following:Braden Pollock will Moderate again this years event
The CMO Jeff Sass agreed again this year to Sponsor and participate with Gadgets for
a Raffle which will be hold after Lunch on Monday. So does Simon Puppo from DomainSponsors,
which is already on a buying trip for the best worldwide Gadgets which attendees can win.Parkingcrew, Sedo and MrDomain also have signed up already.
The Sponsorships allow us to keep the Ticket Price low and the Conference level high!We are going to hold Monday as the DOTCOM day, which will be hosted from Verisign.
For the NOTCOM day on Tuesday we are still looking for a Host.Participants are coming from all over the world, I just received a mail from Michael Gilmour
which tells me he is considering in giving a talk about Monetization and Domain Portfolio Management.For the Speciality Panels, we are preparing, we are still looking for Speakers.
— The importance of Geo-Domains
— Community and Brand GTLD’s
— Cooperation between ccTld’s and newGtld’sMrs. Ingrid Baele, Head of IP at Philips has already agreed to participate at the BRAND panel,
and will explain how they are going to use .philipsI will attend ICANN55 in Marrakesch to promote Domaining Europe and some Awareness road shows I am planning,
beginning of march, and if you are there, let’s meet.Maybe this year we are even going to make some auction, but let me give you more on this in my next News Blast.
Thanks so much for your support!