Developing Mini Informational Sites

In the past, I discussed developing mini-sites on good domain names to generate revenue using Adsense instead of parking the name. The logic was that the traffic to the mini-website would grow as it begins to rank in search engines, whereas parked domain names won’t typically see an increase in traffic unless it’s related to a specific event or hot trend. Domain owners could quickly develop some of their domain names and increase the revenue generated.
I was reading Morgan’s Blog today, and he gives a great example of why development can exponentially increase the value of a domain name. He registered at the end of April, and he built a relevant website with valuable information. Because he is providing value in the form of good unique content, Google has rewarded the site and it is ranking well for related terms. As a result, the name is making about $10/day in revenue and receiving around 200 visits/day.
Because of the nature of this topic, I would venture that the big traffic spike might flatten out in the next few weeks, but without a doubt, Morgan will make a great profit from this project. If he does this on other decent domain names focusing on relevant topics, he could generate a strong passive revenue stream that will continue to grow as he builds his network of websites and links to all of them.
Another great mini site was set-up by Aaron Kuroiwa, owner of, a new domain sales venue. Aaron registered after seeing it in my list of domain registration suggestions for charity. Aaron wrote articles and built a the website that ranks highly in several search terms. The site averages about $3/day in revenue and is growing – not bad from a new registration to a mini-site that probably took a day to build.
These are just two examples of thousands that are out there. I will be rolling a few out in the near future (when I get some free time from developing and While this certainly isn’t meant for every domain name, it might be a good option for strong keyword domain names that aren’t earning strong revenues. The ability to scale is important, and domain owners can scale with this. One recommendation I can make is that a person should link all of their sites in order to boost each of the sites’ rankings. As they continue to grow individually, the entire network will grow as a result. A final suggestion is to develop sites in which you have an interest. Since writing articles and finding information can be boring, I think it’s important to build sites about things of interest to you.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
  1. seems to be parked.

    I accidentally posted the wrong website. The correct site is The link has been fixed.

  2. I searched “stimulus checks” on google, and clicked through 14 pages and still haven’t seen – Wonder where the traffic (and $10/day clicks) are coming from?
    Mini-sites are cool and I love seeing them go up, but can they consistently make 300$ a month with no additional development? I searched Morgan’s navigation buttons on, looks like there in lyes some of the mystery.
    “TAX TRICKS” = on pg.3 of results
    “INVESTING BOOKS” = no show, clicked through pg.22
    “GROWING MONEY” = found on pg. 5
    If I were Morgan, I’d find a way to take advantage of those 200 visitors a day (while it lasts) and turn them into some real money. Google may hand out gold stars to a few lucky students at the start of the year, but if they stop doing there homework or coming to class, they’ll eventually be penalized.
    Best of luck to Morgan and to all flippers and developers. This experiment just goes to show that there’s more to domaining than merely parking your assets and walking away. Keep adding content Morgan and let us know what happens.

  3. Thanks for the domain suggestion. I agree that you can’t think short term with your mini sites and that eventually it is best to develop them into full fledged sites.
    Mini sites are a good way to start generating income from sites that don’t get type in traffic but are still good domains. Additionally, you can make a mini site for nothing more than hosting and registration fees and then self fund its development as it earns revenue.


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