I buy domain names in just about every way possible with the exception of forums. I buy my best inventory privately, but I would say I primarily focus on domain auctions to bolster my inventory.
Where do you primarily buy your domain names (ie where do you mostly buy domain names):
Best domain names are the ones that sell easy and make money 🙂 IMHO
Easy to buy at the drop/namejet expired at under $100 and sell at 2k to 5k. For me that is the “best domains”
Best quality hmmmm …
That’s a numbers game. Getting tough to buy good ones at under $100.
Hard to take the survey given that Auctions and Drop Catch are not mutually exclusive — DropCatch.com is an auction site.
“Other” On https://auction.fyi/brand-names/domains-for-sale/
Best deals are private transactions.