I am often on the lookout for domain industry news or news that will impact my business and the business of other domain investors. I am also sent quite a bit of news and/or stories that may be of interest to readers once I disseminate it.
Sometimes when I learn about something that may be newsworthy (a domain name sale, company or service launch, domain investor or company doing something noteworthy…etc), I have concerns about the veracity of the news or have concerns about the person or company. Oftentimes, it would either not be possible to have these concerns alleviated or would take more time than I have to give to have my concerns allayed.
With that being said, I am curious what readers think about these types of situations. Should I report the news as I have read it and leave it up to readers to determine whether they believe the news or not? Should I write about the news and mention my concerns about the veracity of the story or mention that I can not say for certain if the story is legit or authentic? Should I simply avoid writing about topics I can not prove or have doubts about?
I think this is an important topic, so please vote and consider sharing your thoughts in the comment section:
Id say it comes down to how you want you and your integrity to be taken. So many stories now are put out as soon as someone catches a hint of a wind of them, written quickly and spun to their POV or interpretation of such, without any verification if true or not, all in the interest of being the first to get it out there, then never followed up or corrected if wrong or misleading. We are, so sadly, turning into a journalistic society where telling the truth is not what is important or the point anymore, but who can be the first to gather as many eyeballs first, truth or facts be damned! If people want such, they can cipher between all the late to the game follow up stories to decide what is or isnt, as theres a new wind breeze bringing something to be written about, and there are new eyeballs that need to be captured before someone else does. Scary what lies ahead for getting or learning about true facts and stories.
I voted for the second option.
While this is a good question for someone with your reach to be asking himself, a poll seems like it will get only an even spread of answers. Going on a case-by-case basis is probably a good idea but Im leaning towards hoping you publish what you discover. Most of us in the domains industry can use the assistance; were pretty well overpowered by companies that have the ascendancy: registrars, huge marketing corporations, etc. There are so many cases when not knowing something is a problem. For example, theres GDRP, changing regulations, & lack of consensus on the part of those who make it happen, that we have to deal with almost immediately.
How truly commendable it is that you are concerned about correctness versus quickness. I agree that respondents Poll Daddy answers of Yes or No, dont publish it, wont provide clearest insight. Heres what is done in the old-school world of responsible journalism. Yes, publish what you believe is accurate, and ethically CYA. Please try these modified news writers rules/tips in my examples.
(1) Give attribution to the source: A sea monster just acquired a dozen domains, according to an article in Deep Denizens Daily.
(2) State the verification status: In an unconfirmed online report from @TallTailsLie, a whale pod has started a new domain auction site, BlowOut.fishy. It may be a fish tale, but if true…
(3) Give your opinion: Until proven, take this next fascinating news item with a grainor twoof salt…I read in a well-known tech trends newsletter that domains are going to be free again in 2020.
You, dear sir, are not bound by news rules; its informational commentary by you, a trusted pro. Keep up your tradition of interesting, timely info. If in huge doubt, dont publish it. We wont croak or condemn you. Readers ought to always consider the source. Thanks for your integrity and concern for the endangered truth.