Domain name sales are all over the map, and people from around the world can boast domain name sales of all sizes. To be successful at this business, I think people need to consistently sell domain names at high levels. That said, I know several people who excel in the 4 figure range and probably do more business than some of the people who sell a few six or seven figure names each year.
For today’s poll, I asked what the value of your largest domain name sale is. The brackets are fairly large and there’s no need for you to be specific in the comment section unless you care to share.
My largest sale was just under $50k. My most memorable sale was about $12k because it was the first time I crossed into five figures. In the mid-2000s I learned a lot about the power of “No” from Mr. Rick Schwartz and have achieved consistently high sales thanks to that approach.
All of my domains were $8 purchases so the highest personally owned sale so far is 16k. On the brokerage end I’ve sold into the 1xx,xxx range.
I specifically held out on a recent negotiation, just so I could say I had a 5 figure sale. 🙂
Luckily, it worked!