Every day when I scan lists of domain names that are coming up for sale via expiry auction, I see a ton of typographical error domain names. Some of these names have bids, and occasionally, a typo domain name will have a considerable amount of bids. I presume some of the bidders are bad spellers or are following the action of other bidders, but I am sure there are plenty that are desired because they are typos.
I have stayed away from typo domain names over the years. I think generic typos (like Morgage.com or Cryptocurency.com) are likely defensible to own, although I am not a legal expert. Typo domain names can see significant levels of traffic and may produce substantial income.
With PPC revenue down considerably over the past decade, I presume fewer people are buying typo domain names, but it’s not something that is really on my radar. Today’s poll asks if you own typo domain names:
I have Busines.Online
domain with traffic..
Many brandable are typo’s are they?
dribbble.com now suing dribble.com the correct spelling.
I believe people who said the don’t own typo’s on the poll actually do when they take into account the above examples.
Others can share the
The startups that LY to almost any word 🙂 to make a company name.
I see traffic/rev stats for a ton of typo domains, and I can tell you there people who pay mortgages with their earnings from traffic monetization.