Consider Adding Simply Hired’s Jobamatic on Your Website

These days, it seems that a lot of people are out of work and looking for jobs, no matter where you live or in what the profession. On my geodomain names, I have been using Simply Hired’s Jobamatic platform for quite some time, and it is earning a couple hundred dollars a month in incremental revenue.

Take a look at for example. There are job listings all over the Greater Lowell area, and I earn revenue when someone clicks on a job listing, and I earn even more revenue when someone posts a job listing (which doesn’t happen as much as I wish).

As you can see, the landing page integrates well within my website. My developer used the CSS and design from my site and plugged it into the back end of Jobamatic, so it fits nearly seamlessly. The one thing I couldn’t do is have a rotating banner on the Job board because it wouldn’t let me install an ad rotator, but that’s not such a big deal to me. I was also able to create a subdomain (jobs) and use a CNAME record so the url looks like you’re still on, when in fact, you’re on the Jobamatic site.

On the homepage of, I also added a widget that shows several job listings in the area, and when people click on those, I get paid, too. I think this is key with the economy in the tank because people are looking for work, and I am giving them work opportunities – it’s a win/win situation.

Because of the benefit to site visitors and financial benefit, I am looking at integrating Jobamatic into my non-geodomain names as well. For example, I am going to do it on pretty soon, since there seem to be a lot of people looking for dog walking jobs.

If you haven’t checked out Jobamatic, you might want to do it, especially with the economy in the crapper.

This is not a paid post (I don’t do paid posts) nor is there any affiliate link.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Hi @ Elliot, Thanx! (Always thanking you, bro!) This came right on time while developing:

    It is gaining in Google, and already page 1 of Bing, though still under construction. I may not use Jobomatic, but happy to weigh it as an option – thanx! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the tip. Given the payouts for Adsense clicks of late, another monetization option could come in handy. I have a few South Florida geo sites. The real estate bust has had a greater effect on the South Florida economy than perhaps other areas of the country so Jobamatic is worth a closer look (simple HTML copy or other?).

  3. The big caveat is that you probably won’t do well if you just use their platform as your site, since it’s not unique content. You need to have good unique content to get rankings and traffic, and then that traffic will visit the job board.

  4. I tried to install this but found out the system can only handle one site per account.

    I became frustrated and did not use them as it was not a good overall solution for me.

  5. So they do PPC, correct?

    Do you know if I can promote the site directly or if the traffic has to be organic?

    I am about to build a site for a small town and was wondering if I should add this since I am going to send out emails, letters, postcards etc.


  6. FYI I added the Jobamatic HTML to my two highest-traffic geo sites & – using a different email account for each site. It was a pretty simple process and there are a number of customization options. If all goes well I will add it to other sites as well.

  7. Thanks Elliot. I just set it up…was pretty easy. But don’t know how to integrate it into my website. Can you share more detail how it is done? Maybe your developer can give us a few tips….it’ll be a fun little project.

  8. I used Jobamatic on one of our sites ( for 4 months and made $2.20 TOTAL. I had 300 domains pointed at, getting around 500 unique hits per day.

    Must have just been bad luck on my part, but now that we’re in the process of developing Broadscape, Jobamatic’s lack of profitability (in our case) doesn’t matter now.

    Good luck to those who are using Jobamatic.

    – C

  9. Hi Elliot,

    We are using jobamatic for our niche career sites. I’m an experienced developer so decided to use the jobamatic API instead of the templates that jobamatic offers. This is working out great for us with plans on building out 2,000 niche sites, each running on our proprietary JobsByUs platform.

    The only real hassle we had with using jobamatic is that each site requires a separate account and email address. This normally would not be a problem, however, we had to repeat the setups over and over again for each site. With indeed, you’re able to setup one account and then create a channel for each niche. I plan to code a module that uses the indeed API so that we can use both API’s on different sites and compare results.

    You need to be aware that the revenue can vary from site to site. If your niche (or user’s query) is competitive, where there are lots of employers competing for qualified candidates, then you stand a good chance at making decent revenue from the PPC sponsor job listings. Some of our niches have up to 50 sponsor listings which ends up filling first two pages of results. However, if the niche is not very competitive, then there will be fewer sponsor listings and page will be full of organic job listings that don’t pay for the click. Keep in mind that career sites draw the best advertisers so you can easily make up for any lost PPC sponsor listings by supplementing with google adsense and other ads.

    You can also use jobamatic to display job listings from other countries. We plan to get our international sites up and running as soon as we complete our US and UK roll outs.

    Our JobsByUs platform is very flexible and allows us to run any number of sites, target any career field or GEO location, and support any language or country that jobamatic supports. Some of our sites are now on page #1 yahoo/bing, others are starting to move up. We are also seeing long-tail searches. Look forward to getting the bulk of our sites up soon.

    Good luck to everyone using Jobamatic on their sites.

  10. Hi Elliot,

    Great article. I’ve been using jobamatic for my website NY Summer Jobs ( for a few years now with great success. For those who are curious, the API lets me set up filters for all different parts of NY, including Manhattan, Soho, Albany, NY State, NYC and even the NYC metro area which includes New Jersey. All the summer job listings are posted right through the SimplyHired system, so all the part time and full time job postings are already filtered out. Users have found many great entry-level jobs and internships as well, and the filtering system has made it easy as ever. This system is great and I’m glad to see other approving of it and commenting on it as well.

    Good luck


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