One of the nice things about hosting an entirely virtual conference is that organizers have more flexibility when it comes to panels and keynotes. Some breaking news here or there, and NamesCon Organizers can quickly put together a discussion panel without much maneuvering of the agenda.
This morning, Andrew Rosener reported that he acquired for $13,000 from Aishwin Vikhona. Ordinarily, this relatively small deal wouldn’t really register much on people’s radar (it doesn’t even rank in the top 30 .org sales in the last year, according to NameBio). The sale was notable because of the venue for the acquisition – Clubhouse:
Just bought on #Clubhouse @joinClubhouse for $13,000 in what I believe is likely the first and certainly the highest domain name transaction to happen on the platform to date! Congrats on a good deal @aishwin! #History #domainnames
— Andrew Rosener (@andrewrosener) January 22, 2021
I am not very familiar with Clubhouse, only hearing about it in the context of a DNW article about .Club domain names getting registered because of the growing popularity of the Clubhouse app social media platform.
I just received an email from NamesCon organizers who announced that there will be a NamesCon Online panel topic related to domain investing on Clubhouse: “Learn about Domaining on the Clubhouse Platform.” Participating on the panel will be Andrew Rosener, Aishwin Vikhona, Braden Pollock, and the .Club Registry’s Jeff Sass and Michele van Tilborg. The panel will be held on Wednesday, January 27 6:35pm UTC.
As I wrote this morning, NamesCon Online will be held January 27-29.