Non-Domain Related

2022 PMC Domain Industry Jersey Raises $23,500 for Dana-Farber

John Berryhill and I will be riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge this Summer to raise funds for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. As we cross the finish line after completing this 192 mile bike ride, John and I will be wearing a jersey adorned with logos and graphics from our domain name industry friends and colleagues who made generous donations to support our fundraising efforts.

As a result of exceptional support this year, I am happy to share that we raised a record $23,500 in donations for Dana-Farber via our domain industry jersey sponsorships. In total to date this year, we raised more than $28,000 for Dana-Farber. We hope to raise even more as it gets closer to PMC weekend. You can support my PMC fundraiser here and you can support John’s PMC fundraiser here.

John and I have received an incredible amount of support from our domain industry colleagues, and we appreciate every single donation that was made to our fundraisers. Cancer is something that doesn’t discriminate, and John and I support Dana-Farber’s cancer fighting mission.

I want to give a special shout out to our generous Pan-Mass Challenge jersey sponsors:

Last Call on 2022 PMC Jersey Sponsorships

Update: All spots have been reserved. Thank you to our generous sponsors!

The jersey John Berryhill and I will wear as we cross the Pan-Mass Challenge finish line is almost finalized. With the help of industry friends and colleagues who are sponsoring our jersey, we have been able to raise quite a bit of money for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. John and I appreciate the tremendous support we have received so far. We will proudly wear these jerseys as we train for the PMC and when we ride in August.

It looks like John and I will be able to fit two additional (relatively small) horizontal logos on the bottom of our jersey (on either side of Shane’s ape, Colonel Whitenfur). We are asking for a $750 donation to either one of our PMC fundraisers for your logo to appear on our jersey. Please email me first to ensure a spot is available. Please pardon the low resolution images I have here, but you can click here to see a high resolution version of the jersey panels.

Even if you don’t want to make a large donation, John and I would appreciate any donation you are able to make to Dana-Farber. We’ve received a great deal of support from our domain industry friends and colleagues, and the funds will be used to further Dana-Farber’s cancer fighting mission. John’s fundraising page is here and my fundraising page is here.

Here’s a list of our PMC jersey sponsors:

2022 PMC Jersey – Thank You, Sponsors!

Update: All spots have been reserved. If you are interested in sponsoring our jersey and there is room for any more logos once the jersey design is finalized, email me and I will keep you posted.

John Berryhill and I are raising money for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute this year by riding nearly 200 miles in the Pan-Mass Challenge. Dana-Farber has an important cancer fighting mission John and I support wholeheartedly. For the last several years, we created a custom domain industry Pan-Mass Challenge jersey with the logos of generous supporters. John and I will be doing the same this year.

John and I will wear this special jersey as we cross the finish line on Day Two of the Pan-Mass Challenge. The plan is to get the jersey created ASAP so John and I can also wear it during our training rides in advance of the PMC. I still wear my older jerseys when I ride outside.

Once again this year, the XYZ Registry is our lead sponsor, making a significant donation to our PMC fundraisers. In addition, the XYZ design and operations teams (Amy Brown Cole and Jocelyn Hanc) designed the jersey and shorts for us to wear.

As you can see, there is still room on the back for quite a few domain industry logos. John and I are asking for a $750 donation to one of our PMC fundraising pages in exchange for your logo on the back. Please reach out to me before making a sponsorship donation so I can confirm availability.

Two domain industry friends – Alan Dunn and Morgan Linton – donated more than the requested amount to have their Bored Apes featured on our sleeves. GoDaddy was also kind enough to donate beyond the $750 requested amount. We have quite a bit of space available on the back of the jersey. Update: All spots have been reserved.

I am grateful for every donation that domain industry friends and colleagues have given towards our fundraising efforts. Dana-Farber is a great organization with an important cancer fighting mission. With your help, John Berryhill and I raised over $100k for Dana-Farber, and every single donation is appreciated. You can donate to John’s PMC fundraiser here and my PMC fundraiser here.

2022  domain industry PMC jersey sponsors:

Here’s the final low-res version of our 2022 PMC jersey:

2022 Pan-Mass Challenge

logoLater on this Summer, John Berryhill and I will participate in the Pan-Mass Challenge ride to raise funds and awareness for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Dana-Farber is one of the leading cancer organizations in the world, and we are happy and honored to be able to support its mission of providing exceptional cancer treatment and completing advanced cancer research. This will be my ninth PMC ride and John’s fourth PMC ride.

During this year’s PMC, John and I will ride the two day 162 mile route from Wellesley to Provincetown. I set an ambitious fundraising goal of $15,000 $18,000, and John’s fundraising goal is $10,000. Since my first PMC ride, with the help of domain investment industry friends and colleagues, we have raised nearly more than $100,000 for Dana-Farber.

Hometown Bank Rebrands to an Off-Brand .Bank Domain Name

HomeTown Bank is a bank in Minnesota I wasn’t familiar with until this morning. The bank, which I would guess is one of many unrelated banks branded as Hometown Bank, has been using for its website. The HTB in its domain name stands for HomeTown Bank and the MN in its domain name is the two letter abbreviation for the state of Minnesota.

In a crowded brand-space, the bank likely chose this acronym domain name because it was the shortest and easiest domain name to remember that was available. Better domain names such as the ones below are owned by others:

  • – listed for sale on
  • – forwards to a different bank website
  • – Owned by HomeTrust Bank

This week, the brand announced it was updating its website and using a new domain name. Instead of the domain name, the bank is now using MYHT.Bank for its website. Including the extension, the bank went from an 8 letter domain name to another 8 letter domain name.

Paradise Trippies NFT Launches on

An NFT project called Paradise Trippies was recently launched using the domain name. Among the team members behind the project are longtime domain investors Andy Booth, Shane Cultra, and James Booth. In addition to the exceptional domain name, the project is also using the valuable @connect Twitter handle. There will be a total of 10,000 unique NFTs available.

Paradise Trippies began its private minting phase earlier in the week. From what I can tell on Twitter, there were quite a few opportunities for people to sign up for the opportunity to participate in the early minting phase. The public minting phase, which is open to everyone else, begins today:

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