I want to share a photo of a great domain name I just saw on the back of a truck:
There are a few interesting things I want to point out.
Bugs.com is an awesome domain name – perfect for a pest control company. It is short and super easy to remember. In fact, I remember Bugs.com more than the actual name of the company.
The owner of the company is not a called Bugs.com. The company is called Hulett Environmental Services. A Google search for the company shows that their website is found on Bugs.com. They are not using it as an easy to remember forwarder.
I don’t see any public sales record for Bugs.com, so I have no idea what the company paid to acquire this great domain name. It looks like the company may have acquired it back in 2003.
Bugs.com is a killer domain name and it’s nice to see it being used!
Absolutely agree. My thought is it is vastly under utilized–should be a nationwide franchise that could easily compete with the Orkin Man or Terminix.
Completely agree, excellent domain, do not use their potential perhaps lack of vision.
Very nice short, one word, category killer domain for that business model. The background in the pic reminds me of Naples, Florida down passed 4 corners. 😉
Photo was taken on Worth Avenue (Palm Beach, Florida).
They are very big in Florida and have been running great commercials with the “Bugs.com” call-to-action for 10 plus years. The commercials featured famous midget twin brothers one of whom sadly died. It was big news here because the commercials made them so famous:
I blogged about them here years ago: http://fragerfactor.blogspot.com/2008/05/walking-up-to-bugs-coupons-pizza-and.html
Yep, one of the best alright !