I’ve been so busy developing some of my other sites, that I haven’t had time to focus on getting advertisers for Lowell.com. My plan is to launch three more sites before I get married and go on my honeymoon (early August), and focus on getting advertisers upon my return. That said, I certainly won’t turn advertisers down, and I have been receiving inquiries for advertising space on Lowell.com and already have a paying advertiser on TropicalBirds.com.
In the meantime, I’ve established a couple of affiliate relationships to help drive revenue, and I wanted to share this idea with you. I became a LegalZoom.com affiliate, and I am offering their services on the Lowell.com Legal Services section. Additionally, I have an entire page dedicated to them on the site to attract search traffic. While it has not been optimized yet, I plan to optimize it to capitalize on the long tail search traffic once it is optimized.
While income is not guaranteed with an affiliate, the sky is the limit for earning potential. Conceivably, I will need visitors to Lowell.com to complete 2-3 transactions a month to make it worthwhile. Additionally, since I don’t have paying advertisers yet, it isn’t bumping another advertiser. In fact, I think it might encourage an advertiser to sign up, lest he lose local business to this growing Internet company.
Only time will tell to see how this plays out, but the affiliate program at LZ seems top notch, and setting this up was a breeze. In between developing some of my sites, I am going to search for similar affiliate programs for Lowell.com and eventually Burbank.com. If you happen to know of any that are great, drop me a note.
Restaurant.com offers discounted gift certificates for 6 restaurants in Lowell.
They work with cj.com