According to this news article, AC/DC now owns the domain name Although the article’s title led me to believe that this was a WIPO decision (“wins” rather than “buys”), it appears they acquired it the old-fashioned way – paying for it. From the article:
“For years the domain name was held by a porn site with metal fans perhaps getting more than they bargained for every time they clicked.
But after years of wry tolerance the band’s management in New York has finished negotiations to reclaim the name and launch the brand at its rightful place online.” — Source: News.Com.Au
This really was a smart move by the band’s management team. Considering the amount of traffic the domain name probably receives, the price was clearly significant. The band could have easily tried to take the name in an underhanded way, via WIPO filing, but they opted to go about it the more legitimate way. Had they filed a WIPO, it would have cost the owners quite a bit of money to defend the name, and it might have irritated them enough not to consider selling it had a decision gone in their favor.
Kudos to AC/DC and their management for realizing the importance of, and for buying the domain name that is of highest value to them.
Hells bells, it’s dog eat dog in the domain name world, especially when you’re dealing with a problem child. But it looks like AC/DC is back in black. For those who understand the power of domains… we salute you.