1&1 Runs New gTLD Commercial

If you’re watching the NFL today, you may have seen one of (if not the) first new gTLD television commercials. Domain registrar 1&1 ran the commercial I embedded above. It’s all about notifying the general public about the new gTLDs that are coming, and it implores people to pre-reserve a new domain name now.

It’s interesting that the company has already started marketing the new gTLDs to the general public. I would assume other registrars are going to have to follow suit to make consumers aware that they will be available at other domain registrars and not just 1&1.

What do you think about 1 & 1 advertising the new gTLDs?

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. As Domain Investors, the question we should be asking ourselves is not whether the new gtld’s will resonate with business owners, rather, will the business owners who choose to adopt a new gtld be able to resonate their funky new web address with their customers? As time moves closer to the launch of these, my instinct tells me no. It’s a little overwhelming with too many options.

    • Well, if current business owners don’t want to adopt their business to a new, shorter, consise web address then a new crop of business owners will. Sure it will take time for the general public to stray away from their .com, .net, .org comfort zone, but it will happen in due time.

  2. An absolute total waste of time, effort and major money. May as well rip up those campaign dollars and flush them down a toilet, never to be seen again.

    It is already apparent that the gtlds will all fail miserably and a little crappy commercial here and there isn’t going to stop that from happening.

    • ‘it is already apparent that these domains will fail miserably’? Really? How is that apparent? What’s apparent is that longcrappydomainname.com is dead. Sorry about your lame .net portfolio.

    • My guess is that this guy has a bunch of longcrappydomainname.com domains that he’s trying to sell off, and in the near future definitely won’t be able to sell off.

  3. “What do you think about 1 & 1 advertising the new gTLDs?”

    Well, I think it’s a bold step, but it’s a little early. Until specific extensions are approved and brought into the root by ICANN, none really exist. It’s all supposition at this point.

    Suppose their commercial is effective and some potential registrants try to pre-register a .web name, or a .inc name, then find out that those extensions really don’t yet exist. Word would probably travel fast and the whole industry takes yet another black eye because one entity is selling, essentially, snake oil.

    That said, it’s time for those registries with viable, real extensions, like .us, to step up to the plate and start doing what they should have been doing the past 10 years: ADVERTISE!

  4. This is one of those things that may eventually have an influence on the way meaningful entities identify themselves on the internet, but I have a feeling we’re a generation too early. We’ll probably live to see the new TLDs eventually have some kind of influence but to get in now, my guess it it’s a massively inefficient use of precious capital to tie up in something that may not ever matter but if it ever does matter, it will certainly be quite some time before it happens.

    Of course, the TLD operators and registrars don’t give two shits how these things develop. They do, however, just love ‘domainers’.

  5. One thing’s for sure. The domainers out there that are trying to sell off their insanely overpriced and overly long names like 123extremedomainnames.com will be sitting a whole helluva lot longer. It’ll only be a matter of time before they eat the loss & let them expire.

  6. I am certain many new gTDLs will experience some success. There are millions of small businesses that would like theirbusinessname.something, but it is already taken in the .com version. I do not think 99% of the population even knows there are alternatives even now to .coms, so any advertising now about the coming gTLDs will stir the imaginations of anyone interested. Also most “users” won’t think, that’s hard to remember, or type in. No, they will think, “Wow now I can get a web site with my name on it”!

    I don’t agree with advertising pre-registrations however, because they are non-binding. That is designed to generate interest, get their contact info so they can be notified when the extensions are available, hopefully make them a customer. but by that time, most generic one and two word domains will have already been taken by all the big companies ready to cash in on resale, regardless of extension. We saw it happen with .us, .tv, .biz & .info. It will happen again, even if it may be ever more speculative with so many to choose from, and more to come for those of us that know, the ones that have the better chance.


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