10 Recent Acquisitions

If you’re in the US, I hope you are having a nice Independence Day holiday today. Seems like the East Coast is having some relief from the heat wave. Wherever are, I hope your July is off to a good start.

As I do on occasion, I want to share some of my recent acquisitions with you. I am constantly buying domain names to keep a strong inventory. These ten names were either bought in the aftermarket or purchased at auction, and the purchase prices of all of them are private. You can see a more comprehensive list on my company’s website if you care about what names I own.

I haven’t done any hand registering in the last few weeks (can’t think of any off the top of my head anyway).

Ten Recent Acquisitions:

  • BrandManagement.com
  • PetCollars.com
  • PennsylvaniaRealEstate.com (bought it with Michael Berkens)
  • ChineseProverbs.com
  • KJP.com
  • ConsultantBlog.com
  • Broads.com
  • HelicopterBroker.com
  • CorporateReputation.com
  • ShipDesigner.com

As always, I welcome you to share your acquisitions and hand registrations if you’d like.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. gatewoodhomes.com

    all hand reg at 99cent code

    Nothing to lose, already making money via parking and have offers.

  2. You picked up some great domains. I like BrandManagement and ChineseProverbs.

    My latest domain was a hand reg – MiningInductionCourse.com

  3. Here are my most recent acquisition:









  4. You like to invest in generic descriptive. I like KJP dot com – the domains on that list look like they cost you a pretty penny! The other one I like is, Broads dot com. It reminds me of the 50’s, when “a broad should be broad like a broad.” – South Pacific. It makes me laugh! Latona would like it . . .

    DualScreenApps dot com registered last month, to go with the singular registered last year. It’s a generic descriptive, just like yours!

  5. As a PA property owner, I like PennsylvaniaRealEstate.com. Of course I’ve heard multiple horror stories about selling names to realtors, though.

    Our latest hand reg was lawyerbots.com

    My favorite recent acquisition is neuroshock.com. I was pleasantly surprised when TESS gave it the green light.

    Great list, Elliot. I would wish you luck with them, but you obviously don’t need it.

  6. @ Tony

    I’ve sold several RE names this year surprisingly. I still have two though – couldn’t work out deals at the prices I wanted. Eventually they will sell.

    I’ve had mixed success with them though.

  7. My recent acqs:










  8. .com

  9. I bid against you on at least three of those names on Namejet 🙂 I may be one of the only people that know exactly what you paid for all those names since I was right there with you on almost every one. Enjoy the rest of the 4th

  10. LOL

    You sold callcenters.com?

    Conveneniently on Moniker Privacy WHOIS

    And nice generic WordPress blog

    As for bragging about selling “7 figures worth of domains”…woop de do

    That’s like saying I sold a 2 bed apartment in Manhattan or London…LOL
    Only difference is, didn’t have to spend all that time buying, selling, fending off the $500 offers to get there

  11. “You sold callcenters.com?”

    @ Agro

    I did… I had it parked at Voodoo and the buyer changed DNS recently (last week I think). I offered his company the opportunity to post a guest article on my blog when the site is ready. I assume the WordPress blog is temporary. I wrote a bit about the sale here: https://www.domaininvesting.com/saturday-updates-0233

    “As for bragging about selling “7 figures worth of domains”…woop de do”

    I agree… 7 figures could be $1m on 9.999m, so it doesn’t really say much, and that’s how I like it. If I wanted to be flashy or have more attention, I’d report my sales. I don’t think that helps my business or personal life though.

    BTW, in case you’re counting, the 7 figures is from 2007 through today, and this is my only “job.” I also don’t “come from money.” I’ve been very fortunate in this business, but it has taken a lot of hard work researching, negotiating, and making deals.

  12. “I bid against you on at least three of those names on Namejet”

    Ha ha… domainers bidding agst one another , in conference, they are buddies but when comes to business, it is back stabbing.

    Money talks!!

  13. Of your list above I like PennsylvaniaRealEstate.com the most. FYI I recently received a $xxxx offer on a .TV acquired within the last few months.

  14. Solid names, Elliot. I like PennsylvaniaRealEstate.com

    Here are several recent purchases:

    Conneticut.net – typo
    DiskSurgery.com (sold)
    GreatHarbor.com (sold)

    Happy 4th.

  15. Our recent few acquisitions/regs:


  16. @ Aggro

    I am surprised that you are not attacking me anymore?

    How come?

    Come on man, what happened?

    Are you not feeling well today?

  17. Nice names.
    I like chineseproverbs.
    I recently reg nyprogram.com and
    jute.me . I like handreg hope there are more .99 codes:-P

  18. Here are a few…







  19. Nice domains, especially BrandManagement.com
    HelicopterBroker.com has a lot of potential, affiliate programs exist.

    Recently caught HelicopterSpecialists.com in auction. Also handregistered helicopterspecialist.com (altough I understand these are nowhere as good as yours)

  20. Its funny you mentioned CorporateReputation.com as I was researching it myself. I just bought the name BoxingFan.com and intend to turn it into my boxing blog as Im interested in boxing. Great names I really like PetCollars.com and BrandManagement.com. I’ll keep an eye out for CorporateReputation, however.

  21. Love ChineseProverbs.com
    PennsylvaniaRealEstate.com, too!

    Made me smile when I saw Broads.com 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I just recently registered deviceimages.com.

  22. Shane said:
    “I may be one of the only people that know exactly what you paid for all those names since I was right there with you on almost every one. ”

    You can see them at Namebio. They had some recent updates last month or so where they’re including a lot more sales, inc. NJ


    You can see what all those went for at Namebio

    Good name btw.

  23. These are valuable acquisitions. I expect domain names like brand management and corporate reputation to fetch high prices, given how these areas are being prioritized by online and offline businesses.

  24. @Shane

    “I may be one of the only people that know exactly what you paid for all those names”

    Not really. Those 3 names (price, date, venue) are listed
    at a certain domain sales website.

  25. Good luck with Chinese Proverbs! Seems a good name. Will you just be using the English sayings that are attributed as “Chinese proverbs” (some of which are nothing of the sort) or actual Chinese proverbs?


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