Well timed picture from the Uniregistry holiday party. pic.twitter.com/lb3lFA6bGN
โ Bret Fausett (@bretfausett) December 11, 2016
Uniregistry General Counsel (and talented domain industry attorney) Bret Fausett shared this photo of Frank Schilling at the company’s holiday party. What do you think Frank is saying as he addresses the Uniregistry team following a successful year?
You are welcome to be witty, but please be decent ๐
“And no more rum cakes for low level domainers”.
“A shark has bitten off my left leg!!”
“Don’t listen the Schwartz, Mann, or Berkens and the other naysayers of the world. We need more gTLDs! So many more! I mean, by 2020 we should aim for 1 million gTLDs. Take my word for it…”
Berkens owns abou 10,000 gtds. Just sayin
Berkens gambles on pretty much every gtld, even .horse, like the guy who covers the board on the roulette wheel
“We got em good, we got em good, EH!”
It’s time to cut the cord.
“Life is about to get even more wonderful for domain investors in 2017 and beyond for three main reasons:
(i) Financial assets will continue to increase in value as we spill into the new year, which will positively impact all quality assets;
(ii) the value of certain gTLDs will explode upward as new brands are launched on them now that the spigot has been opened by China’s MIIT; and
(iii) the populist political wave running across the world is giving the ‘little guys’ the confidence they’ve needed to start millions of new, online businesses – and every one of them need a good domain name, which will push up prices across the board.”
In support of the ‘little guys having renewed confidence’…
Unregistry has captured more than 65% market share of domain registrations, transfers, etc compared to other registrars.
That number sounds way off, could have been a single 3 months when they went live.
I moved a lot over, but I regret it, as Godaddy is a better partner in the sales channel, and I tend to pay to transfer back, then push into godaddy, rather than just push into godaddy.
All other functions are the same.
Uniregistry was supposed to integrate a monthly lease option like epik has they have not to date, this has been a disappointment. You have less days of redemption also than godaddy if you choose to recover an expired domain.
“My pipe, was this big!”
the time has come to roll out new gTLDs which registrants can literally hold in their hand ๐
“Uniregistry registrar of the year 2017”
Sell more new gTLDs!
Buy more .Coms!
Using a new gtld would be as awkward as talking into an old telephone with a pipe in your mouth.
You will lose traffic to the .com owner and waste your money in the process.
Oh, wait, that’s probably not what he was saying!
“Every time a domain sells an angel gets his wings.”
2016 was a great year and 2017 is going to be even better as we focus on selling more gtlds.
The next year we will be number one ๐
Don’t forget your party hats and mojo all, because our NamesCon party at Hakkasan in the MGM next month, will be even bigger and better than last years great blowout!!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I’ll be Frank. I lost a few Schillings on those new gTLDs.
Doubt he’s saying that but clever one. ๐
And then you squeeze em like this until they say yes.
I am happy to announce that I am dropping all of my .COMs
“Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated”