Having the DomainInvesting.com brand gives me quite a bit of flexibility to grow the website beyond a blog. Instead of trying some things to see what sticks, I thought I would share a few additions under consideration to see what visitors think about them. I also invite people to share other ideas for the website. Vote in the poll below and feel free to add your own suggestions.
Possible features to add in 2018:
Weekly Brokerage Listings – this has always been a popular feature. It is great to see what new domain names domain brokers are bringing to market and it is also a good opportunity for readers to share one domain name for sale.
Domain for Sale Marketplace – People could list domain names for sale in bulk. I could coordinate this with one of the third party sales platforms.
I have no interest in getting involved in sales, so people would have to be on their own to transact.
Question and Answer Forum – Unlike a traditional discussion forum, this would allow people to post domain name questions and answers. I launched a separate website for this and folded that into this website. People would likely be required to use their real names to participate.
Daily Auction Lists – There are a ton of auctions every day. I use a couple of tools to discover auctions I like and it might be helpful to see the top auctions. I would most likely work with a third party to create a tool that shares an automated list each day based on the same parameters. If I were to do this and use an affiliate program, I would donate all of the proceeds to charities.
Available Domain Name Lists – Share a list of domain names that are available to hand register each day. There would be a theme for each day, and an automated list of suggestions would be shared. If I were to do this and use an affiliate program, I would donate all of the proceeds to charities.
What other features do you think would be helpful for readers and others in the industry? Share your thoughts in the comment section or vote in the poll below.
What kind of Podcast? Just shooting the breeze myself or with friends, or interviewing people in the domain space and beyond?
Your markets/business model are no longer just about North America India China internal markets have the populations for internal scale home markets want to learn more, Eastern markets are hungry to learn more hit the youtube wechat button possibly open the model ?
If youre going to put time and effort into a new feature, and if it becomes a popular feature that merits sustainability, then instead of donating the money to charity, Id like to see the money used to support that feature and your website as a whole. If you want fruit, then you gotta water the tree.
A feature that I cannot find elsewhere are alerts to upcoming streams of conferences and meetings, especially ICANN meetings. Providing access to streams of meetings would encourage more engagement in the industry by your readers.
You have limitless opportunity to DomainInvesting.com so I would like to see it all. Features to help people invest in domain names. Buyer and seller areas, valuation, a collaborated feed or list of all names dropping, being sold, for sale, etc.. You have a lot of work ahead of you, but it would be great to see.
I think there are enough marketplaces, unless you are doing something different.
Features to consider:
– Domain/website investment opportunities.
– Domain/website lending (you or 3rd parties).