Yesterday morning, Go Daddy and the Public Interest Registry announced that one and two letter .ORG domain names would be coming up for auction. Of the 42 auctions, 15 are single letter domain names. The auction dates haven’t been set yet, but each auction will take place over 10 days, and bidders must be pre-approved.
In the press release announcing the news, it was said that “it is expected the historic auction of these single- and two-character .ORG domain names will not only generate high bids, but also help define the aftermarket prior to the introduction of new gTLDs.”
I am curious about what you think single letter .org domain names are worth.
Considering 2 character .org are getting sold about $1k and 2 letters .org $3-5k (not sure about this), I’d appraise one letter .org domains at $10-15k reseller price.
Between $50k and $75k.
From a practical perspective, I don’t find them too valuable with the exceptions being highly brandable letters like
As, we Can feel the market is Holding back a bit this days..
The reason ?? Maybe, the new gtlds which May be one of the good reason that Many People choose not to invest Right now.. It Will take awhile for market to come back to top 3 DOMAIN extensions ..COM,NET,ORG soon after People Will figure out what a waste of $$$$$ buying all this new extensions. Its Already hard for People to remember other then those 3 domain plus cctlds..
Read Ricksblog Traffic not so good as expected why ?
Why are all the players trying to cash out now???
What ever the reason be let it be and I guess it’s a great time to grab at cheap prices 😉
I will make a guess will sell for $45000 plus not sure about q , z
the org registry is not reaching out to domainers, but would like to tap the end user community who would like a very defining domain name. Nothing beats single letter .org, even the biggest players in the game do not own a single letter anything.
You’re wrong man. Do and ring the bell?
When I say extensions I only really look at the top 3 REAL TLDS .com/net/org.
Anything else is just noise. INet Solutions Ltd Future Media Architects JG CenturyLink Privately owned Privately owned Weinstein & DePaolis X.Commerce/PayPal The Open Group X.Org Foundation Nissan Motors
I haven’t seen the list but I think state initials would do well for local online communities.. Any .org is a tough sell because all the buyers play the “we’re a non-profit” card.
They should not be more expansive than single letter, and because we know for how much those have been sold, we know the limit.
I wonder how much of an impact having the auction only open to end-users will have on the prices these sell for. I think if they are strict about letting potential buyers into the auction, the prices will be suppressed significantly.
Agreed, somewhere in the 50 – 75k range, true the “non profit” card can be played but inevitable that companies will eventually come around willing to cough up big bucks for each.
Hi Elliot,
I think the single letter worth about 10k. I would love to own, but I have heard it impossible to bid in this auction, unless you have a business plan?
Is that right?