It looks like the high value domain name was recently acquired by Logitech, a NASDAQ publicly traded company that produces computer peripherals and other types of electronic devices. According to a recent Whois change, Logitech just became the registered owner of this two letter .com domain name.
Prior to today’s Whois change, the domain name was owned by Ameren Services, a company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol AEE) with a market cap of $12.44B. An record from earlier this year showed that was being used as a forwarder to Ameren’s website. According to a Wikipedia article, a company called Union Electric Company of Missouri merged with Central Illinois Public Service Company to form Ameren. My guess is the domain name dates back to the days when the company was known as Union Electric.
At the time of publication, is still forwarding to Ameren’s website, but I presume this will change sometime soon. My guess is that Logitech acquired because of its Ultimate Ears subsidiary. Logitech acquired Ultimate Ears in 2008, and UE produces a variety of speaker products. If you visit the website, you can see that “UE” is referenced quite a bit.
Because the former owner owned this domain name for so many years, I do not see any sales records for in NameBio. I also searched my email history and do not see any references to being listed for sale by any of the major domain brokers. My guess is that Logitech used a domain acquisition service to privately acquire the domain name.
If I was going to guess, I would say this was a high 6 or low 7 figure domain name sale. Of course since the deal was seemingly privately acquired, we might never know. Since both companies are publicly traded, there is a chance we will see this deal referenced in a future SEC filing.