On a few of my domain names, I use StatCounter.com to track information about my visitors. If I know how visitors find my domain name, what links they click on while there, and how long they view a particular topic, I can optimize my websites to fulfill their needs. I would recommend this website for stat tracking. According to the site, StatCounter.com is:
“A free yet reliable invisible web tracker<, highly configurable hit counter and real-time detailed web stats.”
With StatCounter.com, I have access to the following information about visitors to my websites:
– Popular Pages
– Entry Pages
– Exit Pages
– Came From
– Keyword Analysis
– Recent Keyword Activity
– Recent Came From
– Visitor Paths
– Visit Length
– Returning Visits
– Recent Visitor Activity
– Country/State/City/ISP
I would recommend this site to people who don’t have access to this information from their own servers. There is no cost for smaller accounts (up to 500 log quota), and there are upgrade opportunities depending on the size of the file you want. Oh… I am not a paid endorser either – I just like the information they provide.
Elliot, you should check out Google Analytics if you haven’t already. It’s free and I love their reporting UI.