Special Thank You for Post # 1,000

It seems pretty silly, but a few weeks ago I noticed that I had around 950 posts on my blog dating to its inception.   Since then, in the back of my mind, I’ve been thinking about what to write for my 1,000th post. I know it’s silly, but I wanted to come up with something fun for the occasion of post #1,000. A few days ago while running on the treadmill, I determined what I wanted to post here for this special post.

Several years ago, I was a “struggling domain investor,” buying and selling inexpensive domain names (which I still do on occasion). While I sold primarily on Ebay and on DN Forum, I also sold quite a bit in private to clients of mine. Most of the domain names I owned were “brandable” domain names, and their sales prices ranged from $20 – $200/each with $200 being the anomaly.

One of my better clients when I began was a lady named Tasha Kidd. Aside from buying domain names from me, Tasha and I also chatted via email and instant messenger about marketing strategy and domain names. Tasha was the first person who introduced me to keyword generic domain names, and she emphasized their value over brandable domain names. In terms of domain acquisitions, that has been my focus since then. Tasha also designed the first iteration of my company logo and website a few years ago.

Later on in early 2006, I acquired a past tense domain name, for a booming industry. Tasha mentioned that she was a member of Rick Schwartz’s exclusive domain forum, and she suggested that I meet with one of the best domain brokers in the business who was a member in order to sell this domain name. Tasha introduced me to Kevin Leto and she also recommended me for admission onto Rick’s Board, which was approved. Before posting on Rick’s Board, Tasha taught me the protocol that she learned, some of which is only learned by making mistakes – helping me to avoid many landmines that may have gone off had I done or said something wrong.

I can’t even tell you how many friends I made and colleagues I met after joining Rick’s Board. Kevin also   been instrumental in private deals I’ve made as well as answering countless technical questions about my blog, website security, and other technical questions I can’t answer. I ended up selling that domain name for 5 figures, which was my largest sale at the time. For all of this that came as a result of Tasha’s help and advice, I want to say thank you x 1,000 to Tasha.

I also would like to thank readers of my blog who have offered their opinions, support, commentary, criticism, friendship, and everything in between. Without your continued visits, this blog wouldn’t exist and without your commentary, it wouldn’t have any life or be nearly as interesting. Being a blogger has its ups and downs, but fortunately there are many more ups than downs. Thank you for all of your support!

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of DomainInvesting.com. Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the DomainInvesting.com Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. THANK YOU for all you do for the domainer community. Congrats on the milestone! I’m looking forward to the next 1,000 posts 🙂

  2. CONGRATS for your 1,000th post and a BIG THANK YOU from all the domaining community for your constant dedication and kindness on share your experience and knowledge.

  3. Congratulations Elliot – You are an outstanding person and have done so much for the domaining industry!

    Keep up the good work & Best Wishes for the Future!



  4. Congrats on the milestone.

    2 years ago I posted a question on domainstate about an offer I had from a big company. Elliot pm’d me (i didn’t know him) and gave me some excellent advice over the course of 2 weeks as I negotiated the deal (my biggest sale to date). So just as Tasha did for you, you have definitely done the same for others….

  5. Hi Elliot and congrats mate!

    It is amazing where life takes you and having this blog has been a big part of that for you.

    Keep up the great job.


  6. Thanks for your kind words El! I’m honored to be your friend and fellow domainer and your success is so impressive to me and many others I’m sure!

    You want to know something totally freaky? The first e-mail you ever sent me was on April 22, 2006! That was EXACTLY 3 years ago to the day!! So on top of your 1000th post today is our 3rd year of knowing each other. LOL what incredible timing to match this thread.

    I remember getting such a kick out of how enthusiastic you were about learning all you could about domaining. I thought to myself this kid has that magical entrepreneurial energy and endless drive to succeed that you only see in a handful of people. The more I got to know you the more I sensed you were destined to become a superstar domainer and look at you now grasshopper! YOU DID IT! So cool to see all your dreams and ambitions in this industry come true and in such a short time.

    And the most exciting part of all you have so much more ahead in the years to come and have positioned yourself as a totally respected leader in the industry as well as a powerful speaker and engager of thought. That is awesome!!!

    So congratulations on *** 1K *** ! And looking forward to seeing many more huge successes still to come!


  7. You are gracious, Elliot. Congratulations to you in your success, from hard work and talent. I too have made a lot of friends along the way, and treasure them, you among them. A journey is so much sweeter when we make them with friends. Here’s to your continued success.

  8. The bloggin biz is tough.

    I don’t think most people realize this though 😉

    1,000 is a great achievement indeed.. You must be doing something right after all 😉

    Keep up the great work, stay true to yourself… To much success in the future!


  9. Elliot

    Great achievement.

    You certain are one of the great young minds in the business and are furthering in industry by sharing your insight.

    The think I love best about your blog is you just don’t talk about the industry but show through your own examples of what you can do, in a relatively short time, to become very successfully.



  10. Elliot,

    Congragulations on your 1,000 post. I met you at DomainFest and I am very impressed with what you are doing
    in a positive way for the domain industry.

    For my situation, I like to also give credit to the internet cafe owner in TiJuanna, Mexico who in 1999 spent about 2 hours with me telling what all the kids are searching for in spanish. Went back to San Diego that night and registered some of the best spanish names in the industry.

    Prior to that, I was wasting money registering names I thought were cool but useless. Ask your customers what they are searching for. Common business practice.

    Thanks, Jim

  11. Congratulations Elliot – very nice post as well…

    Keep the great information and insight coming… Your blog is one of my favourite domain resources and I enjoy reading your posts each day…

    Looking forward to the next 1,000 – keep up the great work!

    All the best,


  12. Congrats.

    As has been said before, your site is one of the few that consistently gives good quality advice about the geodomain sector. Also, no one else is covering the geo-domain industry and geo domain development, as well as you do.

    Keep up the great work 🙂



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