Reportedly Acquired for $400,000

The domain name has reportedly been acquired for $400,000 USD. The acquisition was announced on X this morning by Nick Huber:

Nick also recently announced his acquisition of the company for nearly $30 million USD.

The acquisition was made as the company rebranded from Support Shepherd to Somewhere with the domain name. I think Somewhere is a better brand name than Support Shepherd, but I also think people may become confused when the name is mentioned – with people following up by asking, “where?” has been registered under privacy at Namecheap since 2013, so it was unclear when exactly the domain name was acquired. Company Founder Marshall Haas later clarified the domain name was acquired last year (see below for an update on the acquisition date).

For quite some time, shows that had 400-level and 500-level error messages on the landing page. I don’t see any prior sale history for on Namebio, nor do I see any domain broker listings for this domain name in my own email history.

Once DNJournal and Namebio index this sale for 2023, it will tie for the 11th largest publicly reported domain name sale of last year. This acquisition was also added to the list of recent publicly reported one word .com domain name sales maintained on

Thanks to Alan for sharing this with me.


Marshall Haas, Founder of Support Shepherd, also mentioned the acquisition and rebrand today. He later clarified that the domain name was acquired in 2023, so I made a couple of updates to this article.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Was just thinking (or overthinking) about brand domains this a.m. and this realization coincides with your post and somewhere founder belief

    ” Good domains are marketable …
    Great domains are Memorable”

    Not convinced that Somewhere com name is the best choice for their business but congrats to seller and good luck to buyer.


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