As a buyer, I love the fact that Snapnames allows people to search for current auctions by price and number of bidders. I went through some of the top Snapnames auctions that are closing soon and listed a few I like: – Would be a cool site for videos of convenience store botched robberies. It could also be a remote security company site to monitor home surveillance video cameras. (Auction ends May 23) – LA has a huge airport and there are a ton of autos rented every day. Create some content about the airport and sign an affiliate deal (Auction ends May 22) – Would be a great blog for a guitar lover (Auction ends May 23)
1) I might bid
2) It’s my affiliate code, so if I lose, at least I might earn some revenue 🙂
Forget these names, consider buying a newspaper.
Eric Schmidt CEO of google once considered it.;jsessionid=1EHVKVT310ISGQSNDLOSKHSCJUNN2JVN
Sorry Elliot, I couldn’t resist. 🙂
I agree those are some great names, although the appeal and scope of might be a little to limited for my taste.