I am a big fan of art. One of the downsides of living in Manhattan is that I don’t have a whole lot of wall space for art, although I could certainly fill them up if I did. Ironically, when I was in graduate school (before domain names) I bought and sold art. I didn’t do it to make money, but I did it to finance my art obsession (ie buying a bunch of limited editions at wholesale cost and selling them for a small profit each to keep an edition for free).
Some of my favorite artists include Agam, Sol Lewitt, Charles Fazzino, Peter Max, Keith Haring, and several others. Most of these guys are more mainstream artists, but a couple of my favorites are not.
One such artist that is not really mainstream yet is Mr. Brainwash. He is known as a street artist, but also has some very cool non-street works. He had a very cool exhibit/show in NYC for a while, and I am a fan of his work.
When I was looking into some street art, I saw that Buy Domains is selling StreetArtist.com and StreetArtists.com, each of which is priced under $3,000. I was close to buying them, but I felt that I would have to build websites to sell art in order to make the most from these domain names, and I am not interested in getting in the art biz right now
In its recent sales RSS feed, Sedo just announced the sale of StreetArt.com for $12,000. I think this was a pretty good price for the seller, and the buyer should look into acquiring the other two domain names, which are pretty cheap comparatively. If you happen to like art, perhaps you should look into buying these two names. If you have an interest, connect with Sonia and ask her to set you up with a good price for the pair.