Make Money Doing What You Enjoy

While it certainly wasn’t intentional, I believe I have walked into a good business model with my blog. Everybody wants to have a job where they love their work. This can lead to less stress and a nice work/life balance. When you are doing what you love, it doesn’t feel like work and you can perform at a higher level than if you wanted to be doing something else.

When I started my blog a couple years ago, the goal was to help people learn about the domain investment industry. At the time, there were just a few strictly domaining blogs, and I thought I could offer a different perspective than the other bloggers. I hated posting in the public domain forums, and I figured I would start up a blog where I could post commentary and insight as I continued to grow my business, and it would be cool if I could learn from others as I shared what I was learning.

Along the way, I have experimented with many strategies, met with some of the most successful leaders in our industry, and have learned quite a bit about the industry and related industries. I have done my best to share what I’ve learned, some of which has been successful and some of which hasn’t been so successful. I’ve received considerable support, people continue to read my blog, and traffic numbers seem to increase just about every month. As a result, I have been able to sell advertising space on my blog to companies in our industry and related industries.

Although my blog doesn’t generate the majority of my revenue, the revenue has been increasing, and it’s beginning to pay for the time I contribute to keep the blog updated daily. For me, this is growing into an ideal Internet business model because I love blogging and talking about our industry, and now I am getting paid to do it. Not only this, but because I am discussing domains and domain development on my blog, my wife and friends don’t have to listen to me discuss it when I go out with them at night… it’s a win/win for all – good work/life balance!

The point of this is that no matter what you are passionate about, there are others who are just as passionate as you. Start a blog and make it your outlet to talk about your passion. Make smart business and marketing decisions along the way, but don’t let those drive your overall blogging decisions. People will be able to tell that you are passionate and knowledgeable about the subject, and if you are lucky like me, you will have a great readership that contributes to your blog. Even when my thinking is flawed, I am lucky to have enough readers who offer their opinions, making all of us smarter as a result.

It’s a win/win when you love what you do, continue to learn about the industry, grow your business, and generate revenue as you do it all.

Elliot Silver
Elliot Silver
About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has closed eight figures in deals. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest. Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


  1. Elliot,

    It sounds like your passion and work is “all in one”. That is the dream of everybody but it’s sad to say, 99% of the population never achieves that.

    I do domaining full-time and get to work out of my house and spend full time with my 18 month twin daughters as well. My neighbors think I don’t work, but if they only knew the payoff it’s been:)

    Keep up the great work.

    Thanks, Jim

  2. Its like the old saying, “Everyone is an expert about something.” Finding what things that you love and know a lot about is what you should be doing. Monetizing a hobby can be stressful task but if you just let it take care of it self it will eventually pay off.

  3. The way you communicate to your audience gives off the impression you’re very conversational and approachable, which is good for somebody who is looking to grow a consulting business.

  4. Nice post Elliot, as it’s so true, yet so evasive to/for so many. Getting paid for what you enjoy is so rewarding in so ‘many’ ways. Everyone should try to do it. Keep enjoying your passion!

    Ya know one of the things I really like to do, is read your blog. …should I send you an invoice? 😛

  5. You’ve done a great job, Elliot. My only suggestion is that when people approach you at a restaurant or in public you should be considerate and take the time to sign autographs and pose for pictures (you never had a problem doing this before you won Best Blog at the 2008 DomainFest).

  6. Nice one Elliot, and well deserved, as you’ve been putting it out there almost daily with honesty and curiosity that’s been a pleasure to follow..

  7. Another way to make more money on your blog which I think would be interesting is to have a domains for sale area where you charge $xx to list a domain for sale per month. I see you added your own domains you want to sell, open it up to others for a fee?

    Its like job listings on other leading blog ie 37signals blog or fog creek software.

    could be nice revenue. I enjoy your blog, thanks!

  8. @Seth

    It’s a good idea, and I am working on a couple of things at the moment in that area. I am hoping to add value for visitors, which should also drive additional revenue. Not in a rush to roll anything out, so I am still kicking some things around.


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