I wrote about doing this before, and I’ve taken the public and private recommendations under consideration. I would like to offer the opportunity to publish a guest post on my blog in exchange for a $500 contribution to my favorite non-profit organization, The Ronald McDonald House of New York. So far this year, we’ve helped to raise nearly $8,000 for RMH.
Here are the details for this special offer:
1. The company will make a $500 contribution directly to RMH and not to me prior to posting the article.
2. The guest post must be related to domain names.
3. The article will be posted Monday – Friday (I can’t guarantee how long it will be the top post though).
4. I will personally pay Francois to sponsor the post on the top section of Domaining.com for 24 hours.
5. I will use Twitter and Facebook to help publicize the article.
6. The article will be clearly marked as a guest post, and it will mention that the company donated $500 for the right to have the post.
7. Guest post may be used to list domain names for sale, announce a new product, discuss a current product, show people how to use a product or service, general awareness for a company…etc, as long as it relates to domain names.
8. I make no promises that this will bring you business or lead to a sale. My main priority is to raise money for RMH while not disturbing the flow of the blog.
9. This will be on a first come, first served basis, although I reserve the right to do this more than once if I wish. Let me know via email or via comment if you want to participate.
Let’s see how it goes! That’s a great charity.
Doing charity work is always cool and wise.
I will most likely take advantage of this!
Great idea, Elliot. If/when the guest blog post is posted, I’ll be happy to donate my SEO services and blog post promoting/social networking services for that post, as well.
We’re in! Great idea Elliot 🙂